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Author Topic: [SOLVED:] XMLTV Not working as it should when using mc2xml  (Read 5701 times)


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[SOLVED:] XMLTV Not working as it should when using mc2xml
« on: March 06, 2016, 06:04:44 pm »

I have 2 profiles one for ATSC the other one for STB.
Every time I load the guide either manually or automatically it will always run only one MC2XML instance instead of running the two separate instances I have.

Even though it is actually running the 2 profiles instead of running the second one it reruns the first one.

ie It will only call MC2XML_STB and never run MC2XML_OTA so only one of the 2 profiles will get updated.

Running 21.0.50


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Re: XMLTV Not working as it should
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2016, 06:27:08 pm »

As a workaround passing full command lines for mc2xml will work.

We'll see tomorrow if this works automatically.


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Re: XMLTV Not working as it should
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2017, 02:15:01 pm »

Yaobing this is still an issue.

Doing some tests to help someone out in this post:,109427.msg758570.html#msg758570

XMLTV profiles still get mixed up if you have more than one and if I don't pass full command lines.
WHat happens is it will use the same first .dat file for both profiles.


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Re: XMLTV Not working as it should
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2017, 02:27:27 pm »

Just specifying the path for the .dat is not enough I also need to specify the -o output path as well as it will not write it in the correct folder.  I was trying to find where it actually gets written but couldn't find it anywhere on the PC...

It just overwrites the new xmltv.xml in the same folder as the first profile


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Re: XMLTV Not working as it should
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2017, 02:37:09 pm »

As I know you're very busy...If full command lines are passed with MC2XML as my other post here:,109427.msg758570.html#msg758570

it works fine so just make sure users are aware if they run more than one XMLTV profile.  I don't need a fix for this.


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Re: XMLTV Not working as it should
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2017, 03:57:10 pm »

When a user uses the "XMLTV" option instead of mc2xml option, the user is responsible for providing the correct command line parameters as we have no idea which program the user uses.  We do know the parameters for mc2xml, but the user can be using any program, not just mc2xml.
Yaobing Deng, JRiver Media Center


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Re: XMLTV Not working as it should
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2017, 04:56:28 pm »

We do know the parameters for mc2xml, but the user can be using any program, not just mc2xml.

Yes but if you leave the default mc2xml parameters it doesn't always work.

So with an external mc2xml v1.6 it should be recommended that users pass a full command line specifying where the mc2xml.exe, mc2xml.dat and  xmltv.xml files are located to make sure these discrepancies do not happen.

No changes are required in MC so I'll close this.


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Re: [SOLVED:] XMLTV Not working as it should when using mc2xml
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2017, 08:06:59 am »

This post may be helpful to others - so adding some additional info and clarification may be helpful.

@imeric - to calrify, you are running two guide-data retrieval programs.
1)  You indicated that the first guide data program runs fine (is this the internal mc2xml program) but the second one doesn't run (the external mc2xml).
2) Adding the "path to the mc2xml.ex file" in the command line arguments box (in picture below) solved the problem.
3) You said above "the default parameters" don't work. What does this mean - there are no defaults (you browse to the location of the external mc2xml program and then again for the mxltv.xml file, the fields are empty when you first setup MC for using an external program.

Did this work previously without the "full command line"?  Did something change recently?

Lastly, it should be noted that is only a problem (or a solution) if someone is running two guide-data retrieval programs. I use the external mc2xml with SD and I don't have anything in the "command line arguments box". But I only run one guide data program.



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Re: [SOLVED:] XMLTV Not working as it should when using mc2xml
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2017, 08:13:42 am »

This post may be helpful to others - so adding some additional info and clarification may be helpful.

@imeric - to calrify, you are running two guide-data retrieval programs.
1)  You indicated that the first guide data program runs fine (is this the internal mc2xml program) but the second one doesn't run (the external mc2xml).
2) Adding the command line (in picture below) solved the problem - or was it just putting in the full path to the external program's location?

Did this work previously without the "full command line"?  Did something change recently?

Lastly, it should be noted that is only a problem (or a solution) if someone is running two guide-data retrieval programs. I use the external mc2xml and I don't have anything in the "command lime arguments box". But I only run one guide data program.

1) Both are external
2) Not sure I understand your question, as I read it you're asking the same thing twice or I don't get it..:)? The answer is Yes putting the full path is required when running 2 external XMLTV profiles.  If I only had one I think I'd be OK maybe I should test this...

For your last point I don't fully agree as per here:,109427.msg759117.html#msg759117  bartman only has one external XMLTV profile and he needs to put in the full commandline to get the xmltv.xml file written at the proper location.

Actually we were wondering in the other post why you are not having the issue and he is (In my case it's different as I have 2 profiles...)



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Re: [SOLVED:] XMLTV Not working as it should when using mc2xml
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2017, 08:17:28 am »

What I mean in "2' is that you first enter the path to the mc2xml.exe in the "run this executable" box, then you are specifying that same path again in the "command line arguments" box.

Per mc2xml site, the "-o" and "-D" options are used to specify non-default file names, and since we are using the default names, these parameters should not be doign anything. So it must just be adding the path to the command line arguments box that is solving your problem. ??


So you should not need the "command line arguments", except to specify a different length for duration " -d"


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Re: [SOLVED:] XMLTV Not working as it should when using mc2xml
« Reply #10 on: March 08, 2017, 09:08:36 am »

So you should not need the "command line arguments", except to specify a different length for duration " -d"

I totally agree that we should not need to specify -D and -o and Bartman01 should not either..Question is why do we need to? In my case I can understand as I run 2 profiles and mc2xml may get confused but why it is not required for you but required for Bartman01 is a mystery...

SO for some unknown reason I need to enter the -o and the -D and if I don't with the 2 profiles it will use the .dat files from the first profile that just ran and will output the xmltv.xml file in the first one as well when ran in MC...

If I run mc2xml as a standalone outside of MC it grabs the .dat file in the folder and will output the xmltv.xml in that same folder.  That is what I mean by default and is working correctly.

And I also now get your previous question 2)  :)...
I'm running full commandlines for 2 reasons:

1) getting 21 days of data (-d 504) AND getting rid of some unwanted channels in the data (-C mc2xml.chl)
2) the second one (which should not be required...) is to specify the path of mc2xml.dat and xmltv.xml (-D and -o respectively).  Even though in the same default folder of the mcm2xml.exe I need to specify them in order for it to work properly in MC.  I can reproduce this issue 100% of the time.

Again I insist that this is not an issue for me...Although it would be nice to fully understand what's going on...I don't really need to... If it isn't broken, don't fix it!!!


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Re: [SOLVED:] XMLTV Not working as it should when using mc2xml
« Reply #11 on: March 08, 2017, 09:27:57 am »

The most important things to specify, when you need to run two profiles, are: the name and path of the .dat file, and the name and path of the output .xml file.  And you should make sure these files are different for different profiles.
Yaobing Deng, JRiver Media Center


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Re: [SOLVED:] XMLTV Not working as it should when using mc2xml
« Reply #12 on: March 08, 2017, 09:30:05 am »

I can reproduce this issue 100% of the time.

Again I insist that this is not an issue for me...Although it would be nice to fully understand what's going on...I don't really need to... If it isn't broken, don't fix it!!!

But I think something is broken. It's not an issue for me as my setup is working - and you have your setup working now too, but something seems to be wrong. I wonder if maybe MC is not providing enough time between when the first data collection program ends and the second program begins.

Anyways, thanks for explaining.


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Re: XMLTV Not working as it should
« Reply #13 on: March 08, 2017, 09:32:56 am »

When a user uses the "XMLTV" option instead of mc2xml option, the user is responsible for providing the correct command line parameters as we have no idea which program the user uses.  We do know the parameters for mc2xml, but the user can be using any program, not just mc2xml.

Good point!.
So that is where you would use the -o and -D to change name to something like "xmltv2.xml" and "mc2xml2.dat"  or "xmltv-ota.xml", etc.


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Re: XMLTV Not working as it should
« Reply #14 on: March 08, 2017, 09:41:11 am »

The most important things to specify, when you need to run two profiles, are: the name and path of the .dat file, and the name and path of the output .xml file.  And you should make sure these files are different for different profiles.

Yep. The files are different but have the same default names and are in different folders.  Which is why I have two folders for each profile: MC2XML_OTA and MC2XML_STB.
Specifying a different name forces you to put in the -D and -o option but is not required in my case.  I can use the default names...

But I think something is broken. It's not an issue for me as my setup is working - and you have your setup working now too, but something seems to be wrong. I wonder if maybe MC is not providing enough time between when the first data collection program ends and the second program begins.

Anyways, thanks for explaining.
I agree something is broken but maybe it's broken with mc2xml.  You bring up an excellent point maybe there's a bit of overlap between the running profiles and that could definitely explain this.  But it doesn't explain Bartman's issue...  And I don't seem to see an overlap as I see the first mc2xml window close before the second one for the second profile kicks in...
I wish I could send a little video of this as it happens!! :)

Something just came to mind...even though it has the same v1.6 number, the developer of mc2xml made some changes to the mc2xml.exe... Maybe that could be it...

I know this as he made a fix I requested a few months back and he didn't change the version number. I'm also using a donator version...


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Re: [SOLVED:] XMLTV Not working as it should when using mc2xml
« Reply #15 on: March 13, 2017, 11:09:27 am »

Throwing my 2 cents in here. I could not get external mc2xml to work properly with MC until I added the -o and -D options to point to the default locations. Not sure why, there was nothing obviously wrong anywhere. FWIW, I am running Windows 7 SP 1 with UAC on and using a standard user account to run everything. Since I added both the options a few days ago, the schedule updates have been running correctly, prior to that the first 'setup' run would work fine and all subsequent runs would not.

Running mc2xml manually always worked fine, it was only when it was run by MC that things went sideways with no clear reason as to why. Even if the recommendation stays to not pass any command line options, it should be noted that passing full command line options should be tried if things aren't working as expected.


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Re: [SOLVED:] XMLTV Not working as it should when using mc2xml
« Reply #16 on: March 13, 2017, 02:36:37 pm »

Now I'm convinced the internal mc2xml and an external mc2xml used with the XMLTV will interfere with one another. in some cases but not sure what caused it in the frist place...

I did some tests on my PC with OTA profile only:
I took out my command lines in my existing XMLTV profile using mc2xml v1.6 (external)
I ran it and it prompted me to set it up as the dat file could not be found.
Once set-up It didn't write the xmltv file in the folder.
I then added an ATSC profile with the internal mc2xml profile.  FWIW I didn't check the reset mc2xml settings.
I Went back and reloaded the XMLTV profile without the commandline...It started working properly ie it could find the .dat file and wrote the xmltv file in the same folder.

So creating a temporary mc2xml profile then deleting it resolved the issue with XMLTV!

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