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Author Topic: Copying playlists, folder schemes, views from one computer to another-SOLVED!  (Read 2704 times)


  • Galactic Citizen
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Old computer OS: WinVista
New computer OS: Windows 10

1. I saved my playlists on the old computer and copied them to C:...roaming>J River>Media Center>Library>Playlists on my new computer but when I select Playlists in Media Center I don't see them. I tried to import them using MC's File>Import Playlist but I don't know what to import. I have about 150 playlists. How can I import them all at once?

2. I saved my folder scheme on the old computer and it's an MFJ file. My new computer has no MFJ files on it. Where do I put it on the new computer and what do I do to see and select it in Media Center?

3. My view on the old computer is a JVI file. It's located in the Program Files part of the old computer and I copied it to the Saved Views folder in Program Files (x86) on the new computer. However, it doesn't appear anywhere in Media Center so I can't select it. Can you help me?
* HP Pavilion Desktop 510-p114
* Windows 10 Home 22H2 19045.5247
* Firefox 133; Thunderbird 128.5 esr


  • Galactic Citizen
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Surely somebody must know something about these problems...
* HP Pavilion Desktop 510-p114
* Windows 10 Home 22H2 19045.5247
* Firefox 133; Thunderbird 128.5 esr


  • Citizen of the Universe
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just use a backup
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  • MC Beta Team
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The playlists tree is saved in the file "Playlistx.jmd" found in your library folder. If you don't want the full backup restore, I have, in the past, successfully moved that file from one library folder to another. Naturally, the files referenced by those playlists need to exist in the library you're copying the jmd file into.

I've never come across mfj files before.

Better to create a "Saved Views" folder in your library folder and save your jvi files there instead. Remember, a jvi view file saved from a view that only shows, for example, video fiiles, will not be presented as an option if you try to add it under "Audio". Play with 'location' option of the view picker, the bottom of the two fields if I recall correctly... I think that all available views are presented to you if you pick "Root" as the location.

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The attached images will give you a good idea of the Windows Explorer tree mapping for MC Saved Views and Playlists. The black background column to the left is a portion of my MC display. The Windows Explorer window appears on the right side with the pertinent display, which highlights the location of 'Saved Views' and 'Playlists'. Please note this distinction as you view the images, I have not elected the default C: drive for installation. All of my MC files, application and user data, are stored on my D: drive. Hopefully this will help to give you perspective to find your previous 'Saved Views' and 'Playlists' files and where they should reside in your new environment.

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  • Galactic Citizen
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  • Posts: 300

Thank you for your replies. Using them I managed to copy my complete setup from one computer to another. I had forgotten about restoring the library, I had just moved the USB drive that was holding the MP3 files to the new computer. Thanks again!  :D
* HP Pavilion Desktop 510-p114
* Windows 10 Home 22H2 19045.5247
* Firefox 133; Thunderbird 128.5 esr
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