More > JRiver Media Center 22 for Windows

WDM driver and volume control

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OK, this is how I do it. I'm not claiming this is not time consuming to setup and achieve.

I use LM Remote Keymap as key-mapping software and NirCmd as a command line tool.
I have a LM Remote Keymap profile for each application (Netflix, PowerDVD, Spotify).
On the volume up and down command for each profile I issue the following NirCmd's:
nircmd changesysvolume 1000
nircmd changesysvolume -1000


--- Quote from: BCZ on April 13, 2017, 02:51:55 pm ---Media key mode is on automatic.

Does my computer being a MacBook running Windows 10 on Bootcamp make a difference?

EDIT: Just tried on a normal Windows desktop. It doesn't work either. The main problem is that the volume keys are changing the WDM driver's volume (basically the same volume if you click on the volume icon in the system tray). But the thing is that changing JRiver's WDM driver volume does nothing to change JRiver's volume.

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have you tried the different options under media key mode?


--- Quote from: mattkhan on April 14, 2017, 05:24:09 am ---have you tried the different options under media key mode?

--- End quote ---

Yes, I tried every one of them. It is all the same.



--- Quote from: stewart_pk on April 14, 2017, 10:59:19 pm ---Use GIZMO.

--- End quote ---

I'd prefer not to take out my phone every time I want to change volume.

So does everyone have this problem? And everyone has their own way to deal with this? This seems like a very basic and big limitation.


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