Please read VERY carefully. This is a BETA version of 9.1. If you expect things to work, please download the latest 9.0 build from this thread:;action=di splay;num=1054751628 but if you're patient and willing to help us work out some of the bugs, you can download 9.1 here (recommended for experts only): (backup your library before installing)
Please report any 9.1 problems in this thread. Keep a list of problems and if they aren't fixed in the next build, please post the list again.
1. Fixed: PackageInstaller now uses correct icon.
2. Fixed: Search control / search control spacing wasn't working properly.
3. Fixed: Ctrl+U / Toggle list style wouldn't always roll through all available modes.
4. Changed: Cover art can now be set / manipulated for videos and other non-image data types.
5. Changed: Updated Media Server to use the new library browser scheme system.
6. Fixed: Year handling was not working properly in some cases. (SDK, etc.)
7. Fixed: Shortcut's text was repeated twice in tooltips.
8. Fixed: Up / down while in-place editing wouldn't change the selection / update the properties pane.
9. Changed: Pg Up / Pg Down (to move list selection) will no longer kill the focus of the field currently being editing in the file info window.
10. Changed: Several optimizations to file property area save / load system.
11. Fixed: Right toolbar on location bar was not resizing after adding or removing buttons.
12. Fixed: After using image tools, Image preview window would not always refresh.
13. NEW: MC will now prompt for empty directory removal (if necessary) after deleting files from the library.
14. Changed: Search wizard now supports list-type fields.
15. Fixed: Tooltip for position slider was poping up all over the place.