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Language setting lost


Menus are showing in a language other than English .how to get British menus back.  I think options has changed to:  Opsionet.   Another guess is “files” in the tree reads:  Skedare.

In the menus at the top:

2nd menu from the Right > 2nd to last menu entry (#9 from the top) > 7th entry is English (British)


This just happened to me too!!!  I was not in tools or any menus.  I was simply navigating my playlist to see why my restored library did not restore my playlists.  Suddenly everything was in Chinese!

I need to know how this happened so I prevent it from happening again.


If you still need help, please read the post above yours.

Thank you for the super fast response.   

Okay, I was finally able to get it to work.  A bit intimidating with all those Chinese characters... but it did work.   This seems like some sort of bug as I wasn't even working in Tools or Settings, I was just perusing my Playlist trying to get it to work.
Thanks again  ;D


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