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MC22 22.0.111 debian jessie 64 startup error

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since update to 22.0.111 mc fails on startup with:  sec-modinv.c:168: _nettle_sec_modinv: Zusicherung »(ap[0] | ap[n-1]) == 0« nicht erfüllt.

Zusicherung would translate to something like assertion, nicht erfüllt to not satisfied....

Thanks for supporting.

Thanks for the report.

That's a similar error to the one I saw on Ubuntu 16.04.

Do you have any other versions of MC installed on that machine (for example MC 20 or MC 21)?


--- Quote from: herr_schneider on June 27, 2017, 04:12:02 am ---All,

since update to 22.0.111 mc fails on startup with:  sec-modinv.c:168: _nettle_sec_modinv: Zusicherung »(ap[0] | ap[n-1]) == 0« nicht erfüllt.

Zusicherung would translate to something like assertion, nicht erfüllt to not satisfied....

Thanks for supporting.

--- End quote ---
Would you update and try again? The build is 22.0.111-2 now.


--- Quote from: bob on June 27, 2017, 02:01:24 pm ---Would you update and try again? The build is 22.0.111-2 now.

--- End quote ---
I think there are still issues with it.
I backed off the repo to 22.0.108.
You should either reinstall that build if you did it by hand:
or if you used the repo
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install --reinstall mediacenter22

sorry for the trouble.


--- Quote from: bob on June 27, 2017, 02:26:30 pm ---sudo apt-get install --reinstall mediacenter22

--- End quote ---

Thanks. But should be 'sudo apt-get install --reinstall mediacenter22=22.0.108'. At least that did it with me...


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