More > JRiver Media Center 22 for Linux

Is native DSD supported?

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--- Quote from: Otello on June 29, 2017, 08:01:25 am ---according to the producer, to get native DSD I only need ALSA lib superior or equal to 1.0.29 (I have 1.1.something), but I only get DoP.

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Why is "only DoP" an issue?  DoP is pure DSD.  It's just wrapped in PCM frames.  It's real deal DSD.  It's not converted or anything.



--- Quote from: blgentry on June 29, 2017, 10:13:32 am ---Why is "only DoP" an issue?  DoP is pure DSD.  It's just wrapped in PCM frames.  It's real deal DSD.  It's not converted or anything.


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Not all DSD-capable DACs support DoP

Awesome Donkey:
If I understand this right, support for specific DSD DACs have to be added to both ALSA and the Linux kernel for native DSD output.

This *could* leads to issues on older "stable" distros that run 3.xx kernels, like Debian Wheezy (oldoldstable).

OK, I try to reformulate my question:

Assuming that ALSA is installed and set correctly, is JRiver 22 for Linux supposed to work with native DSD?

As I wrote before, I started with a new installation of Mint 18.1, with the last version of kernel, ALSA, etc.

Awesome Donkey:

--- Quote from: Otello on June 30, 2017, 08:43:17 am ---Assuming that ALSA is installed and set correctly, is JRiver 22 for Linux supposed to work with native DSD?

As I wrote before, I started with a new installation of Mint 18.1, with the last version of kernel, ALSA, etc.

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Native DSD playback (without DoP) on Linux in MC isn't supported (looking at Bob's post above). However DSD is available through DoP in MC, which should suffice assuming the DAC supports DoP.


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