More > JRiver Media Center 22 for Linux

Media Center does not keep activated on Manjaro (Arch

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Hi, first post here.

My Media Center 22/23 does not keep activated on my Manjaro machine and I need to keep restoring my license on that.

As the page on the wiki says, I checked everything and it's all right even the clock so I don't know what's the problem.

My licence is a master license mc 23 upgraded from 22.

Thanks for your attention and pacience.

Awesome Donkey:
Likely this issue (and there's this fix):,109391.msg757477.html#msg757477

Thanks a lot for the reply, that resolved my issue. Sorry, could not find that thread before.

Awesome Donkey:
I'm starting to notice this again on straight Arch Linux every day. I believe there was a Network Manager update not too long ago. I wonder if they broke the workaround?

This issue has been an ongoing pain for me as I use my computer tethered to my phone half the time.  When I tether, I immediately lose my license, I hypothesize because the computer shows my phone's mac address as its mac address, which breaks the registration.  I need to be able to use that computer both on wifi and tethered, so I've just given up keeping MC registered on that machine, and keep using the trial period and re-registering every month or so (or use other players if I get caught out). 

I know product registration is a "close hold" issue, but it would be nice if the strict MAC address checking could be relaxed as it's going to be a less and less reliable indicator going forward (as MAC randomization is already standard in GNU/Linux, is coming to android, and may follow to other OSs).


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