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Author Topic: Is the heat bothering you?  (Read 2805 times)


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Is the heat bothering you?
« on: July 03, 2003, 03:23:49 pm »

Just seems like there's a lot of really grumpy people around here lately. Seems like every other thread I read is somebody unhappy about something re: MC\MJ\JRiver

Are things really that bad?

Or is it just the heat?

I know it got to me last week... I was on vacation. The first three days, I was sick, then I got into a car accident which did $4000 worth of damage to my Jeep. Thankfully it wasn't my fault and the insurance company is charging the other driver for it, but I'm without a vehicle for 3 weeks, and since then, they've found $330 worth of other stuff that needs to be fixed and wasn't involved in the accident. I finally did manage to make it down to the coast to do some diving, but it was so darn hot that I could barely get myself to put my drysuit on. And then when we finally did get into the water, my girlfriend's sinuses were bothering her so bad that we had to bag the dive. And THEN... she got a sunburn so bad she had blisters on her arms. We got home to find out that my uncle had died, my neighbor's dog had been hit by a car (and died), and my downstairs neighbor's cat had ALSO been hit by a car (and died). All in one week!

And to top it all off, JRiver hasn't fixed that darn thumbnail selection bug that I've been bugging them about for 2 months!!! I'm so irate right now, I'm about ready to demand a refund.

Sorry... just had to vent. Might have gotten a little carried away there for a second.


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Re: Is the heat bothering you?
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2003, 03:28:04 pm »

:) I know how you feel Doof.  Seems to be a lot of unnecessary J River baiting going on at the moment.  I didn't know the season had started yet...  Anyway don't talk to me about heat.  Its still bloody raining here... has been for what seems like 3 weeks now almost non stop...  Heat would be nice.  Guess I could warm myself by the fires of peoples passsions in this forum :)

I for one am very happy with the way MC 9.1 is shaping up and will personally be encouraging everyone I know to go out and buy it...Keep up the good work guys!  We are all with you even if it seems like we aere not sometimes.  And welcome back Jim!  Hope the voyage was good!!

"It's called No Code because it's full of code. It's misinformation." - Eddie Vedder


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Re: Is the heat bothering you?
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2003, 03:28:23 pm »

Put some icecubes in your shorts.  ;D

Charlemagne 8

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Re: Is the heat bothering you?
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2003, 03:30:20 pm »

It might be the heat OR it might be the humidity (sorry, couldn't help it) OR it might be the economy. My work is almost non-existent and I expect a layoff notice sometime next week.
OR it might be a kind of holiday let-down thing OR maybe a combination of all these things and then a few more.
OR it could be the stars' alignment. Or misalignment.

Heck, I don't know.

Sorry about all your bad luck / good luck / bad luck stuff.


Put some icecubes in your shorts.  

NOW you're getting PERSONAL!
That's right.
I'm cool.


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Re: Is the heat bothering you?
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2003, 03:40:00 pm »

Hey, it'll cool him off!  ;)


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Re: Is the heat bothering you?
« Reply #5 on: July 03, 2003, 03:44:34 pm »

Complaints are the driving force of improvement.


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Re: Is the heat bothering you?
« Reply #6 on: July 03, 2003, 04:06:12 pm »

Constructive Criticism, you mean. There is a difference.

What's been going on in here of late has been rather ugly at times.


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Re: Is the heat bothering you?
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2003, 04:29:10 pm »

It was 98 here in Denver today, but thankfully, we have no humidity.....  


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Re: Is the heat bothering you?
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2003, 04:41:21 pm »

Constructive Criticism, you mean. There is a difference.

What's been going on in here of late has been rather ugly at times.

That's not pointing out a difference, just a level of specificity.  Isn't a "black dog" still a "dog" as well?

But I haven't seen anything too ugly here lately.  And I do consider most of what is in the CNET thread (;action=display;num=1057052775) to be "constructive criticism".  Or maybe I missed something.  (I don't spend 13 hours a day here like some of the regs.)


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Re: Is the heat bothering you?
« Reply #9 on: July 03, 2003, 05:06:56 pm »

Heat shmeat....

I'm spending the weekend in Palm Springs and at the Salton Sea. Temps should be around at least 110. I'll probably be a little cranky by the time I get home. :)



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Re: Is the heat bothering you?
« Reply #10 on: July 03, 2003, 05:10:51 pm »

My only complaint about this software is that there is so much stuff in it I need to take a week off of work to play with it all...

Sure there are things that need to be fixed, But hey they will get around to it... And for all those who complain... Try MusicMatch ....You'll have tons of stuff to complain about!! ::)


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Re: Is the heat bothering you?
« Reply #11 on: July 03, 2003, 05:19:41 pm »

Constructive Criticism : How about if MC used its own mixer control so we're not adjusting the volume of everything else just to listen to an MP3?

Complaint : Why hasn't MC been changed to use its own mixer control like you promised? Don't you even listen to your users anymore?

See the difference?


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Re: Is the heat bothering you?
« Reply #12 on: July 03, 2003, 05:29:22 pm »

Umm, yeah, I know what "constructive criticism" means.  I thought it went without saying that one should have courtesy!

But you have reminded me about a couple comments that could indeed have been better worded (or omitted entirely).  I agree on those.  But it still doesn't seem like a widespread problem.


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Re: Is the heat bothering you?
« Reply #13 on: July 03, 2003, 07:26:31 pm »

Not widespread, no... but compared to what's usual around here, there seems to be a pretty high concentration of short tempers around here lately.

Definitely no where near the level of other boards I've been on, but still unusual for this place.


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Re: Is the heat bothering you?
« Reply #14 on: July 03, 2003, 07:32:21 pm »


Just kidding.  Get it--"short temper"?  Tee hee.  OK, it was lame.  Sorry, couldn't resist.   :-/


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Re: Is the heat bothering you?
« Reply #15 on: July 03, 2003, 11:48:03 pm »

Heat?  What heat?  It's winter!!!!   ;D



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Re: Is the heat bothering you?
« Reply #16 on: July 04, 2003, 12:43:10 am »


I feel the reason why quite a number of  people feel frustrated is simple. The usual way software development proceeds is the following:

1) Get a big number version out like MC9.0
2) Let users use it intensively and listen to the bug reports
3) Fix the small things and make the product more stable and more perfect and get small number versions out such as 9.01 or 9.1.
4) Maybe you can include some new, but small changes.
5) Get this version on the market and let it there for 6, 12, 18, 24 month.
6) Work behind the scenes on a new big number version.

In this case J River introduced a 9.1 version with radical interface changes introducing many new bugs,  but did not fix the many bug requests submitted by users.

I feel this is the reason why some users felt frustrated. It is a big difference if you submit a feature request for weeks or if you submit a bug for weeks and it doesn't get fixed for months. It might be just a minor number of bugs, but if they happen to be in an area, where main stream development is not taking place, sometimes users have to wait for a very long time.

I did not have myself such problems, but I noticed quite a number of users that reported bugs again and again and nothing happened.

I also feel J River should take the review from Cnet really seriously. I remember the reviews for version 7 and 8. They were much better!

And from another angle: Even Microsoft had to learn it the hard way. Years ago they used to bring very buggy OS or apps to the market. In recent years this has improved a lot. You could use NT4, W2K, WXP, O97, O2K, OXP right out of the box.

Usually, if I test a new application and it's buggy it goes directly to Recycle Bin, unless it's really a great app such as MC9. But not everybody is so forgiving!



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Re: Is the heat bothering you?
« Reply #17 on: July 04, 2003, 05:23:29 am »

I think one of the biggest impediments to "happy 9.1 users" isn't the 9.0 bugs, but rather the lack of a roadmap for 9.1 features.

There seem to be just a handful of bugs from 9.0 that had widespread effect.

Everyone has a different perspective, but for me, 9.1 was what kept me an avid MC user and has kept me on the MC9 recommendation-to-friends bandwagon.  It's finally making good on its promise "All Media - One Interface".

I'm a patient guy...  I can wait for the refinements that make existing functionality more efficient.  But I am getting a little impatient with the new functionality requests that are keeping me from using MC the way I'd like (i.e. Date(filename friendly)!)

And, of course, the fact that I've been on vacation for three weeks keeps me smiling!



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Re: Is the heat bothering you?
« Reply #18 on: July 04, 2003, 10:23:37 am »

Very sorry about such a week.
On the top of it ,if i understand well ,you do not have much hollidays in the USA.

Now ,JRiver has a week of the same kind.
Started with the Cnet revue. Who is far to be 100% wrong.
This was a detonator leading many to 'empty they bags' -as we say in french .
Because they are feed-up or upset  concerning some bugs ,problems.
Because JRiver is a mess right now with allmost 3 products , none of them bug-free .

I do thing that this 'heatwave ' is a good thing happening .
Yes ,from time to time ,maybe to much grumpyness [ ?]
and some rude words.
But ,as a whole , it was not beyong grumpy and not flaming the JRiver staff.

Things -MC - are not that bad. They are not much more bad than 2 weeks ago.
Just ,sometimes BOUM ,out of the blue  . Like a storm.

Around 82 here - so HOT.

But you know that i do not need heat to be grumpy ,rude or not so polite ......

And ,like the story concerning the skin ,a plain idiot.
I did not have the 'send a mail' or  " send a private message" reflex.
This was a very stupid behavior

Have a nice week-end
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