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Author Topic: Enhancements to Remote Control setup  (Read 1633 times)


  • MC Beta Team
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Enhancements to Remote Control setup
« on: August 31, 2017, 10:58:25 pm »

Following on from this:,112049.msg774381.html#msg774381

I have been updating my Harmony Remote and MC Remote Control settings and will second tzr916's request.

MC can see some additional IR Codes, but does not see many, just ignoring them. For example, it will see all the additional IR Codes from the Harmony "MCE Remote" Profile I think (still testing). But it won't see all IR Codes from the Harmony "Media Center SE" Profile. It sees IR Codes sent by the Harmony for Alt+1 to Alt+4 (I haven't tested past 4 yet) but it will not see Ctrl+Alt+0 to Ctrl+Alt+9, or Ctrl+Alt+A to Z. I am still testing what it can actually see.

I will add to tzr916's request three things that would make Remote Control setup so much easier.

1. Show what the Default Remote Control commands actually do in MC.
The names are sort of intuitive, but not really clear, and some need explanation. Some issue MCC commands, others keyboard keys. Actually, I think the Keyboard Keys are sent via the MCC /27000 command, but I'm not sure. Clarity would help in Remote Control setup. The actual MMC command and parameters could easily be shown in the "Edit MCC Action" dialogue. See the first and second images.

2. Show the IR Code that triggers the Default Remote Control commands in MC.
Currently, when Learned [IR] Trigger Codes are not assigned to a command, just a "?" mark is displayed in that column. If a user tries to learn an IR Code which MC already knows about a warning is displayed, but the message doesn't say which MC Default Remote Control command this IR Code is assigned to. See the third image. If an IR Code has already been learned and assigned to another Remote Control command, then MC will display a second message which shows the command that is already using that IR Code. See the fourth image.

There are a bunch of Default Remote Control commands in MC that I have no idea what, if any, IR Code triggers them, including "Next", "Previous", "Forward", "Page Down", "Page Up", "Shutdown", "Tab", plus Toggle Display View, Shuffle, Zone, and a bunch of "Theatre View", "Playlist", "Zone" and "Mode" commands. How am I supposed to trigger those commands, and if I can't, why are they in the Default list?

I acknowledge that this may be difficult, as IR Codes are mostly meaningless. MC tries to show something useful when a known code is learned. For example in the fourth image some learned codes are shown in the form "MCE_22001_8" which obviously refers to an MCC command, but doesn't identify which MC Default Remote Control command this is assigned to. Other learned commands are in the form "IrDeviceV2Col03_0343" which must refer to some table of commands but is meaningless to a user. One way to make the IR Codes useful would be to show the default MCE Remote Control command next to it. For example, the "Theatre View: Toggle" command actually responds to the Standard MCE Remote Control "Start" IR Code.

3. List all the Default Remote Control commands that MC actually recognises and responds to.
MC recognises and acts on the "Channel Up", "Channel Down", "OK" (which may use the same IR Code and issue the same command to MC as "Enter", I can't tell EDIT: It seems that they use the same IR Code, "IrDeviceV2Col05_0d"), "More" (also known as "Info"), "Guide", "Record", and "Live TV" Standard MCE Remote buttons. The Standard MCE Remote "Power Toggle" button works, but that may be handled directly by the IR Receiver driver? It also responds to the numeric digits 0 to 9, which aren't on the Default list, but are included in the "Add Media Center Command" list under the "Add" button in the Remote Control > Commands dialogue.

The "Red", "Green", "Yellow", "Blue", "Subtitle" and "Teletext" buttons can be learned (sorry tzr916, these work on my system, and the "Subtitle" button is not a standard MCE command, but a Harmony addition), but have no MC Default Remote Control command assigned to them. They don't do anything with default MC settings.

What specific version of MC you are running:MC27.0.27 @ Oct 27, 2020 and updating regularly Jim!                        MC Release Notes:
What OS(s) and Version you are running:     Windows 10 Pro 64bit Version 2004 (OS Build 19041.572).
The JRMark score of the PC with an issue:    JRMark (version 26.0.52 64 bit): 3419
Important relevant info about your environment:     
  Using the HTPC as a MC Server & a Workstation as a MC Client plus some DLNA clients.
  Running JRiver for Android, JRemote2, Gizmo, & MO 4Media on a Sony Xperia XZ Premium Android 9.
  Playing video out to a Sony 65" TV connected via HDMI, playing digital audio out via motherboard sound card, PCIe TV tuner
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