Have a weird issue I don't know how to deal with.
I've got multi-disc albums in my library already, but I'm not sure what the difference is between them and the one I'm trying to sort out now.
The Album field has the same name for all Discs, yet they remain separate album titles in some cases, in my library view (only displaying by Album). Some of the discs have stacked properly under the album name, while others have not..
They appeared to be grouped by a combination of the Album plus the artist names for the tracks. i.e the entry with multiple discs under one album name, has the same artists listed for the track. Another separate album entry, has the Album name plus "Various Artists" etc. But this doesn't make sense even from a library stand point. I have not configured it to display things anything like that.
what else could I be missing?
edit: it seems like the artist name IS affecting this. My other multidiscs have a single uniform Artist name for all tracks
How do you reconcile something like this