harddisc location based schemes have a huge lot improved since I last tried (~.201)
but they are still near to unusable.... can we pleeeeeaaaase have our old tree based database browsing back?
(just to make clear: I _love_ the pane based browsing... for artits/album like stuff, but I just can't see how to use it in things like location based stuf)
my suggestions:
- implement both and make it a users choice; radio buttons in edit media view:
o use pane based browsing
o use tree based browsing
- again implement both and have them active at the same time. walking down the tree would remove panes (starting from the left of course....)
this would allow people to use
-- panes, just as they do now, by keeping the tree closed
-- the tree, just as the used to. dragging the horizontal slider on the right side would leave them to the 'old' interface.
I'd be quite happy with both of them....