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Author Topic: Alternative way to launch Album Art slideshow in fullscreen  (Read 1696 times)


  • Junior Woodchuck
  • **
  • Posts: 52
Alternative way to launch Album Art slideshow in fullscreen
« on: September 26, 2017, 10:13:11 pm »

Hi friends.
Somewhat new MC user myself I've been trying to find a fast way to display (slideshow) album art in fullscreen.
I know there are ways to do exactly this in MC without an external program... it's simply that this is FAST and perfect for my needs, so I thought I'd share it with you.
You need "artsage", a really powerful, micro-piece of software (donationware).
Google for it, it is very easy to find.
Be careful where you get it from, use common sense and antivirus.
The procedure would be like this

Unzip it in a folder of your election, it doesn't have an install, just an executable.
In MC go to:

Send To
Sent To External
Add / Edit Programs

Name: Artsage
Program Path: whatever...\...)\artsage32.exe
Parameters: -slide -loop -sortname -wheelzoom -fullscreen -screencenter -noscreenname -noscreencursor -noautoscroll -zdef -shrink -squeeze -notransitions -t10000 -removefail -logerrors "[Filename (path)]folder.jpg"



Select a file in the playlist (the one currently playing or another), right button Send To --> Send To (external) --> artsage


I've used "[Filename (path)]folder.jpg" because I use separate folders for each album and store it's correspondent art files together with the audio files, but you can use whatever folder/art file you use. You have to modify the "[Filename (path)]" part of the parameters so that it evaluates as the exact path to the file you want the slideshow to start with.
It's a long list of parameters :-)  but it fullfills my needs.
As it is, it produces a slideshow with 10 seconds between photos in the folder you've defined, obviously you can change it as you please, read the text with artsage.
You can pause the slideshow with Pause, zoom with -+ , scroll with wheel or advance with PageUp/PageDown

I still don't know how to add a button or keyboard shortcut inside MC to launch it without having to click at least three times, from menu to sub-menu to another sub-menu. If someone knows how to do this it would be great
I hope it can be useful for someone else.

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