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Author Topic: The Media Center Menu list in MacOS Media Center always refresh moretimes  (Read 2712 times)


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When I opening the Media Center in MacOS, The application menu list will be auto refreshed frequently. This is a bad experience.

Could it be resolved in this release?


  • Citizen of the Universe
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I may face the same issue on High Sierra. Please see attached screenshot.


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I don't know what the OP was reporting.

I looked at your screenshot tyler.  I think I see 4 or 5 MC icons.  If these are all bouncing, these are MC helper threads that are importing your files.  This means that auto import is still running and adding/analyzing files in the background.  This probably explains some of the unusual behavior you've been reporting.  Generally speaking, I only see these bouncing icons when Video files are being imported.  That's not a guarantee; just my experience.

Now, if you don't have several bouncing icons, I'm not sure what your screenshot is showing us.  Maybe you can give some more details.



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I'm not sure either if my issue is similar to the OP's, hence I wrote "I may" and included a screenshot. This way he can also comment if it's the same issue or not. If it's another issue an admin can split the topic.

Yes, you're right I suppose. They're bouncing for a split second or so (probably only during import). So I guess that's intended. What's the reason? Does MC open up instances when importing? Could those icons be hidden?


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What's the reason? Does MC open up instances when importing?

Yes.  MC opens extra processes in order to read the contents of the files and determine their file type, compression, etc.  For video files, it's also generating a thumbnail to display, which requires it "rendering" the video into a still image (thumbnail).  I think they probably do this so that the main MC process isn't totally frozen during the import procedure.

Could those icons be hidden?

I have no idea, but it's actually helpful to have them there.  It tells you that importing is still happening.  You should NOT see this after all of your files are imported.

I think you probably have one or more bad files that are hanging up MC on import.  Disabling auto import is one way to test this:  Tools > Options > Library & Folders > auto import > run auto import in background > (unchecked)

Good luck.



  • Citizen of the Universe
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I guess it's not a big issue to see those icons appear and disappear on importing. However: can this be (optionally) hidden? I can't remember that the windows version has a popping up icon in the taskbar/tray..

Sidenote: Yesterday(?) MC started importing (without showing the 45 seconds countdown) and I was not able to cancel it (clicking on "stop" had no effect). It ran the import for ~20000 media files which is not what I wanted. I could only stop this by quitting the application. Afterwards I deactivated autoimport (and connect to a remote library now).


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You should check your auto import settings:

Tools > Options > Library & Folders > Configure auto import > Folders > (check here)

I can't remember if MC for Mac automatically adds some folders here or not.  I kinda think that it does, which might be what you are experiencing.  I would remove any folder definitions from here that you don't want imported.

Also, I would go through your library using the local views and remove ALL files, since you don't seem to want any local files imported.  That will clean up your local library and, more importantly, keep auto import from trying to process any files, and stop the bouncing icons.

Good luck.



  • Citizen of the Universe
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Thanks. That's what I already did (after I had to quit MC and reopened it).


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Did this fix your issues?  Seeing the bouncing icons when you start MC?



  • Citizen of the Universe
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No, I would have said so if it did :)

EDIT: playing a remote library and not importing files fixes this issue, yes.


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Re: The Media Center Menu list in MacOS Media Center always refresh moretimes
« Reply #10 on: October 13, 2017, 01:27:16 pm »

I don't have a lot of experience with remote libraries on MC for Mac.  Or Windows for that matter.  I've only played with that feature a little.

I find it very strange that you still have bouncing icons if you have NO local library entries at all *and* auto import is disabled.  Are you sure your local library is empty and auto import is disabled?



  • Citizen of the Universe
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Re: The Media Center Menu list in MacOS Media Center always refresh moretimes
« Reply #11 on: October 13, 2017, 02:03:14 pm »

No Brian, I made myself not clear enough:
This issue only occurs when I import files locally on the playback device (MacBook in this case). When I am connected to a remote library (Thinkpad in this case), this bouncing icon has not occurred yet.
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