Networks and Remotes > Remotes

JRemote: Control volume with side buttons on iPhone

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RD James:

--- Quote from: chrisgreen on October 24, 2017, 09:00:55 am ---I upgraded to iOS 11.0.3 last night and iPhone volume side buttons control volume :)
--- End quote ---
Are you talking about playback on the phone or when using it as a remote? Because it's not working for me to control playback on a computer.

Right, playback on the phone. I got excited! Maybe it already did that? Have not checked on the home system yet. Will do this evening.


--- Quote from: tyler69 on October 23, 2017, 12:04:30 pm ---Nice idea, that and an integration into the lockscreen would be very nice indeed :)

--- End quote ---


Sorry to bump an old thread, but I figured it was better to bump an old one rather then add a new one.

In my case I have JRiver running on a Linux server. I use JRemote on the iPhone or iPad to send music to my Yamaha receiver (using DLNA). The volume slider in JRemote works to control the volume on the receiver.

It would be great if the volume buttons on the phone also controlled the volume. Is that even possible? The side volumes do not work for JRemote (when used as a controller) even when the application is in the foreground.

The hardware volume keys do work on an Android phone.  Probably also on the iPhone and iPad, but when you're using DLNA, the Renderer controls the volume.  That's the Yamaha in this case.

You might be able to use DSP Over DLNA to do it. 


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