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Author Topic: [23.0.81x64] Line breaks in ListBuild  (Read 975 times)


  • Citizen of the Universe
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  • Posts: 651
[23.0.81x64] Line breaks in ListBuild
« on: November 17, 2017, 05:55:52 pm »

I'm trying to use this code in thumbnail text:
Code: [Select]
#/,RatingStars([Rating]) [Rating],[Name],IfElse(Math(IsEqual([Release Type],Compilation)|IsEqual([Release Type],Live)|IsEqual([Release Type],Split)),Delimit([Release Type],/ Album,),IsEqual([Release Type],Collaboration),Collaborative Album,1,[Release Type]),If(Math(IsEqual([Release Type],Compilation)|IsEqual([Release Type],Split)),,[Genre]),If(Math(IsEmpty([Style (modified)])|IsEqual([Release Type],Compilation)|IsEqual([Release Type],Split)),,[Style (modified)]),If(Math(IsEmpty([Subgenre])|IsEqual([Release Type],Compilation)|IsEqual([Release Type],Split)),,[Subgenre]),IfElse(IsEqual([Release Type],Compilation),FormatDate([Date (release),0],yyyy-MM-dd),IsEqual([Release Type],Collaboration),,1,FormatDate(yyyy-MM-dd)))
Escape with hashes does, indeed, produce line breaks, but results in some odd behaviour with regards to the actual thumbnail text. See attachment.

It appears that it respects the line break just fine until complicated, nested functions are introduced. This doesn't appear to be an issue with the functionality of ListBuild in thumbnail text because other delimiters work as expected (albeit on a single line and looking quite messy). Why is this so, and can it be fixed?


  • Citizen of the Universe
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  • Posts: 651
Re: [23.0.81x64] Line breaks in ListBuild
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2017, 11:39:52 pm »

Actually, will this problem be fixed by this?
Coming next build:
NEW: You can customize the number of thumbnail text lines (and then we'll wrap instead of truncate) by picking "Thumbnail Text Lines" from the view header menu.
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