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How To Listen To Tidal Through JRiver

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Yes, I think so. But you'll need a third party application. If it's an iPhone, something like


--- Quote from: JimH on November 18, 2017, 07:36:29 am ---You can use JRiver as a Windows driver so that Tidal (or any streaming service) can play to JRiver.  Here's how:

--- End quote ---

Thanks for link. Struggling with buffering mods, as described, to eliminate crackle/buzzdropouts etc.

Is there a workaround for this that anyone has used either within or outside MC.... recognising that Tidal doesn’t allow download from desktop app.

The WDM driver is a great idea. This allows to apply VST plugins to ANY sorce: for exmple I apply Dirac filtering to Tidal streaming.

Can anyone tell me if you can use the WDM driver to stream Tidal through JRiver on a network?.
I want to stream Tidal plus all my local music through JRiver to my OPPO-205 and use all the audio processing that is not available with the USB output.
I have tried the WDM but it does not seem to work with a networked output.
ROON does this very well but 500$ is a lot of money for this feature.


There are other ways to do this that dont involve WDM that are a bit cleaner to use while giving you remote control of Tidal playing to a MC zone. (where you would have your DAC attached)

Unfortunately there is no way to stream Tidal direct from JRiver, but you can use JRiver as an end point for Tidal playback.

If you have an Android tablet or phone, install BubbleUPnP and configure it to login to your Tidal account.  You can then select any JRiver MC zones or any other DLNA output to stream Tidal from BubbleUPnP.

If you have Chromecast Audio devices or Google Mini's around the house you can also stream Tidal to Google Chromecast groups and thereby have Tidal in complete sync to multiple devices around your house.

Using the above approach you can use BubbleUPnP when you want to push Tidal to JRiver MC zones to have full control of DSP functionality within MC. When you want to play your own library just use JRemote.

MC DSP funtionality doesnt work when pushing content to third party DLNA devices, but if the Oppo is plugged in as a DAC to a PC with MC running you can apply JRiver DSP that way for the OPPO.  If you want to do DSP in the OPPO then use the OPPO as a DLNA point as described above.

This is slightly off topic, but you can also get Google Chromecast audio compatible devices to show up as Zones in JRiver MC by configuring BubbleUPnP Server on your MC server.

Back to Tidal....  These are the options you have with Tidal without using the MC WDM driver...

Tidal to DAC (Oppo or any other DAC)

Tidal >> BubbleUPnP Android configured with Tidal as Library source >> Push to JRiver MC Zone (Oppo DAC) from within BubbleUPnP   (can use JRiver MC DSP)

Tidal to DLNA (Oppo or any other DLNA end point)

Tidal >> BubbleUPnP Android configured with Tidal as Library source >> Push to JRiver MC Zone (Oppo DLNA) from within BubbleUPnP  (can use OPPO DSP)

Tidal to Chromecast (Any Chromecast Audio (CCA) compatible device - Chromecast Audio, Google Mini, Google Home, CCA TVs and portable speakers)

Tidal >> BubbleUPnP Android configured with Tidal as Library source >> Push to JRiver MC Zone (Google Chromecast Audio or Google Mini/CCA Groups) from within BubbleUPnP  (Using Google chromecast audio compatible devices) (NO DSP available)
For this configuration you also need the BubbleUPnP Server configured on your MC library server as it performs the role of a proxy to make the Google devices appear as DLNA renderers (Players)

Local Library to DAC (Oppo or any other DAC)

Local Library >> JRemote configured with MC as Library server >> Push to JRiver MC Zone (Oppo DAC) from within JRemote   (Can use JRiver MC DSP)

Local Library to DLNA (Oppo or any other DLNA end point)

Local Library >> JRemote configured with MC as Library server >> Push to JRiver MC Zone (Oppo DLNA) from within JRemote   (Can use OPPO DSP)

Local Library to Chromecast (Any Chromecast Audio (CCA) compatible device - Chromecast Audio, Google Mini, Google Home, CCA TVs and portable speakers)

Local Library >> JRemote configured with MC as Library server >> Push to JRiver MC Zone (Google Chromecast Audio or Google Mini/CCA Groups) from within JRemote (Using Google chromecast audio compatible devices) (NO DSP available)
For this configuration you also need the BubbleUPnP Server configured on your MC library server as it performs the role of a proxy to make the Google devices appear as DLNA renderers (Players)

PS: The above approach for Tidal playback through JRiver MC will work for all the following cloud services when using BubbleUPnP on Android: (playback the following via BubbleUPnP to MC)
Google Music
Google Drive
Amazon Cloud Drive


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