I currently use a URC MX-850 universal remote to control my Home theatre. I have macros set up to start and control my LG OLED 65-4K TV, OPPO UHD-203, and the HTPC. Before I switched to JRiver MC I was using Kodi to DVR and Play my movie collection and the MX 850 for the most part worked well. Since switching to MC some functions will not work so I bought a HP remote and receiver like the one that JRiver used to sell. The HP remote controls all functions properly in theatre view like selecting the guide, switching to live TV, recorded TV files, my movie library etc, I tried to teach the commands to my MX-850 and it showed that the commands were learned but most button functions do not work. I went into the IR data base for the MX editor software and tried some of the files in there for MCE and HP remotes and I can only get some of the functions to control MC. I have never had an issue before with my MX-850 learning commands before so I am wondering if there is something that I can change in JRiver to make this work. I would really like to go back to using one remote to control my system. During my research I ran across something called debounce. that was used with Windows keyboards and Remotes to prevent IR bounce. In Win MC it was a feature that could be turned off. Does this still hold true in Win 10. Could this be causing my problems. If not any ideas. Other that this MC is working great for the wife and I. I just wish I had switched years ago instead of trying to use other band aid replacements for WMC.