However I always want MC to open in my primary library.
Easy: "Options > Startup > Library > Always load default library"
The default library is the library that is stored under the MC directory structure, typically "C:\Users\[UserID]\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 23\Library". Is it normally the first one created by a user, or the default one created at installation time.
I know there's a way to edit the desktop shortcut to force the primary library to load, but I'm not sure how to make the switch?
You can use the same method to load any library. Copy the existing shortcut and edited it to use the /Library command line switch, and point it at the library you want to load.
Here is a thread that discusses some way to use that function. Note that the thread doesn't discuss exactly what you want, but you should be able to use it to work it out.,103629.0.htmlI have a secondary library that I would like to be able to switch to occasionally using a keyboard shortcut/remote control.
If you are using Theatre View it is easy to add menu items that would do the switch for you as well. Just;
1. In "Options > Theatre View > Items To Show" click the Add button to add a new Category item. Name it appropriately, set it to be a Secondary Roller.
2. Add an External Program, rename it to something appropriate, MC23 will have filled in the default MC23 executable, which is what you want to use, add in the Command Line Arguments such as "/Library MySecondaryLibray".
3. Move this new item up or down so that it is below the Category item you created above. Click the Nest button to nest it into that Category.
4. Add any External Program items you want to use.
The image below shows a bit of a mockup of how it is done.
If you want to assign a Keyboard Command to switch libraries you will want to create a Custom Resource.xml file for MC. Here is a post that discusses some of that:,104626.msg727665.html#msg727665The whole thread is probably worth a read. It discusses creating the "Custom Resources" sub-directory, which is where changes should be made, so that you don't change the default resource.xml file. A search on the topic will find other threads.
For such a keyboard shortcut you will need to use a Media Center Core Command (
MCC Command) rather than a Command Line switch as above. MCC /20025 (MCC_LOAD_LIBRARY) looks like the correct one. I'll leave you to work out the details of that. But do be careful that you only use a Keyboard Shortcut that isn't already assigned or you will break something. Search the resource.xml file to make sure that the key combination you pick hasn't already been used.
Depending on your remote control and available IR commands, or whatever Remote type you use, you could also assign a remote button to launch an MC23.exe Command Line switch to do the job, similar to changing the Windows Shortcut as mentioned above. I'm not going there today. IR Commands; grumble, grumble.
Have fun!