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Author Topic: RESOLVED: MC stuck "Adding required components... Chromium"  (Read 1536 times)


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RESOLVED: MC stuck "Adding required components... Chromium"
« on: January 10, 2018, 12:20:19 pm »

UPDATE: After multiple restarts of MC and PC, the problem seems to have cleared itself. With the modal dialog gone, I was able to do a library restore, and this time did the entire database, which of course updated the playlists.

Bizarre how long it took, and/or how Task Manager showed no activity.

PS: I already had checked my firewall and AV, found nothing that involved MC.

So, I'm back in business, though very puzzled.

Also, I sure wish playlists could be copied as a file and have it update MC. There's a library file that seems to contain them, but it does not seem to update a different MC.


My MC broke itself. It is stuck this message: "Adding required components... Chromium"

Task Manager shows no I/O or Network activity. MC is using 6.5MB memory. Nothing is happening, but MC is completely stuck/stopped/frozen. To exit MC I must use Task Manager to Kill it.

Restarting just goes right back to the same situation, directly, I can't stop it or do anything else. "Adding required components... Chromium" is a modal message box so I can't do anything else in MC. The dialog has a Cancel button that does nothing, probably because nothing is actually happening.

How did this situation arise? It is my family room PC which has a copy of my MC library, all files, to be used by family. (The Master of everything is on a PC that only I use.) This method has worked for more than a decade. But, today I noticed that a new Smartlist was not showing up on the Secondary PC. Also, Playlists include several smartlists that are no longer on the Master PC. Copying all the library files from Master to Secondary did not change this, could not find a way to force MC to refresh the Playlists. So...

I made a library backup on Master, copied it to Secondary, then selected Restore Library..., selected the fresh backup, then specified to ONLY restore Settings. That should do it. But instead, I'm stuck, frozen, MC entirely broken on this PC. After an hour of trying things, I'm posting this notification and request for advice.

Note that both Master and Secondary MCs are set up the same, with library and media files stored at same paths, etc. Other than the Smartlists oddity, the Secondary PC works perfectly just by using a backup app to copy changed files from Master once a day.

Of course it would be helpful to say what MC 23 build is on Secondary PC, probably .91 but maybe the prior (32-bit version). I can't say because, stuck in the modal dialog, I can't access MC's menu to see the complete version. (It sure would be nice if the full build number was shown in the title bar.).

I need a way to get MC to clear itself of the bizarre task of adding Chromium (how could it not already be there, since it is a full, recent MC 23 installation. Chrome itself is also on the PC.

And, why does restoring Settings involve Chromium? I could guess because it is used by MC on the Master PC, but don't know what that implies or requires that would be crashing my Secondary MC.

Managing my media with JRiver since Media Jukebox 8 (maybe earlier), currently use Media Center for Audio/Music and Photos/Videos.
My career in media spans Radio, TV, Print, Photography, Music, Film, Online, Live, Advertising, as producer, director, writer, performer, editor, engineer, executive, owner. An exhausting but amazing ride.


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