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Author Topic: "Newst Albums" view scheme  (Read 2758 times)


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"Newst Albums" view scheme
« on: June 17, 2003, 12:34:55 pm »

So, here's the situation: I've just come back from the used CD store with a stack full of new discs. I rip them in, tag them, etc... and then spend the next few days listening to them, rating tracks, etc...

But it's sometimes a pain to search through all my artists/albums looking for the new CDs that I ripped in, and the "recently ripped" playlist disappears after I restart MC. Even if it didn't, a view scheme is really the right way to do this.

So, here's the rule for my view scheme, but I wonder if anybody can help me make it better. What I want is a list of all of the albums that I ripped "recently" and haven't listened to yet.

~a [Number Plays]==0 ~sort=[date imported]-d [Media Type]=audio ~n=100 -[Filename]="D:\My Music\Cuts"

To summarize the rules: Return full albums of any album that has a track with Number Plays = 0, reverse sort by date imported (most recent files first), limit to 100 tracks.

Problems I've got with this view scheme:

1. It's been mentioned before, but there's no way to "limit" by albums, only tracks. I wish there were a way to say, "return full albums, limit to 5 albums".
2. Sorting by date imported means that the tracks are always in reverse order. Wish there were a way to say, "sort albums by date imported (for the purpose of what gets past the limit), but sort by track number within an album". Maybe there is if I think about it a bit more. The "Top Hits" playlist does an interesting trick with "~seq = [num plays]", but view schemes don't seem to have "Sequence" per se, just sort order. If they did, then perhaps I could do: "~seq = [date imported], sort=[~seq-d,album,track#]". Hmm....
3. No way to sort albums in the view scheme--only tracks. I think this is addressed in 9.1--isn't it? Ideally, I'd like the albums in the view scheme sorted most-recently-imported first.

I'd really like any suggestions for ways to improve this.


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Re: "Newst Albums" view scheme
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2003, 12:40:51 pm »

My "recently ripped" playlist does not dissapear aftr every restart.

Go to Options -> General and uncheck the box "Clear 'recently imported' playlist on exit".

Hope it helps
Listening to: 'Song to Woody' from 'Bob Dylan' by 'Bob Dylan' on Media Center 9.0


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Re: "Newst Albums" view scheme
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2003, 12:44:39 pm »

Well, it turns out that you can do the "~seq" trick with a view scheme, but it doesn't help, because setting ~seq=date imported, then sorting by seq is equivalent to just sorting by date imported... darn.


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Re: "Newst Albums" view scheme
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2003, 01:37:42 pm »

So, here's the situation: I've just come back from the used CD store with a stack full of new discs. I rip them in, tag them, etc... and then spend the next few days listening to them, rating tracks, etc...

But it's sometimes a pain to search through all my artists/albums looking for the new CDs that I ripped in,

Tell me about.  I have this fear that I've got great music on my hd that I've forgot about.

I like the idea of a view that lists ALBUMS imported, reverse date sort.


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Re: "Newst Albums" view scheme
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2003, 01:41:47 pm »

Just reading that post makes my head spin.

There really needs to be a better GUI for searches...


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Re: "Newst Albums" view scheme
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2003, 03:36:58 pm »

Tell me about.  I have this fear that I've got great music on my hd that I've forgot about.

That's why I love being able to create playlists that limit the time until last played.  I have one for "Haven't Played in a Day", and one for "Haven't played in a Week" ... and could always add month... or 3 months...  

I find these do a pretty good job of keeping my moving through my music listening to it all.

Listening to: 'Tell Her About It' from 'Greatest Hits - Volume II - 1978-1985' by 'Billy Joel' on Media Center 9.1


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Re: "Newst Albums" view
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2003, 03:45:14 pm »

That's why I love being able to create playlists that limit the time until last played.  I have one for "Haven't Played in a Day", and one for "Haven't played in a Week" ... and could always add month... or 3 months...  

Interesting playlist.  But not for me.  Some music I have, I rarely listen to, but I like owning it, just in case....

Having some reverse list of imported albums would help me to just glance at sometimes to see if I got something new and then forgot to ever listen to it.

I sort of have that now.  I have a custom field I call "Purchase" and always enter the field as YYYY-MM.

Then I have a view Purchase->Artist->Album, so I can go see what I've imported a month at a time.

Is there a better way to accomplish this?


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Re: "Newst Albums" view scheme
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2003, 08:07:41 am »

Well, it turns out that you can do the "~seq" trick with a view scheme, but it doesn't help, because setting ~seq=date imported, then sorting by seq is equivalent to just sorting by date imported... darn.

The more that I think about this, the more I think that the right answer is to separate "sorting for the purpose of what gets past a limit" from "sorting for the purpose of display". If that were implemented, then I could say, "show me the top 100 tracks by number of plays, then sort them by track name". That would be really useful! In my case, I could say, "reverse sort by date imported, limit X tracks, then sort by artist/album/track#. Not sure what the syntax would be for this, but that's why you guys get the big bucks!


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Re: "Newst Albums" view scheme
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2003, 10:37:32 am »

I don't know if i've understand well what you want and if what i do is a solution for you, but i don't lose nothing for try it.

I have a playlist group called Novedades (novelties) with playlists for each month (Novelties 2003-01; novelties 2003-02, etc,...). When i import any album i add it to the correspondent playlist. I've done a view scheme in the media library with this playlist group so when i want to listen some of my latest imported records, or remember what new records i've , i go there. In that scheme you can filter the stuff that you haven't listen with number of plays =0. I think that if you add  modifier=full albums you'll get all the albums of these moth with unless one song that you haven't listened.
I've to remember to add every album to the correspondent playlist, but is not so hard. Therefore i've another playlist group that i call "Control" where i've created a smartlist wich list the stuff that it's not in Playlist Group "Novelties" (i've more things to control but only this is important in this post), so, in fact, i use this scheme to fill the novelties playlist.
Ah! i don't use date imported, (when was 259 days, 15 hours ago?), but i know what moth i've imported everyone of my files.
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