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Author Topic: Problem displaying 2160p  (Read 2993 times)


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Problem displaying 2160p
« on: February 17, 2018, 11:27:23 am »

Hi everyone,

I'm a long time MC user but not been using my media PC so much recently.

I've got a GTX1050 GPU to a LG OLED 4K screen and have had 4K upscaling working perfectly some time ago. Anyway, decided to have another go now that HDR seems to be working pretty well and I am truly stumped trying to get MC to upscale to display 2160p. The problem may have crept in when I upgraded to MC23, I'm not sure.

See these settings:

Changing the refresh rate seems to work perfectly, but stubbornly MadVR says it is outputing 1080p. even when fed a 2160p video as below:

The same is true with Blu-rays and DVDs - all are output it seems @1080p. I tried changing the chosen display resolution down to 720p and still 1080p was output. MadVR/MC just seems to be ignoring the request to change resolution, but does change the refresh rate.

Confusingly the TV seems to say it IS getting 2160p at all times, so it is as though MadVR is outputting all video @1080p and then Windows/Nvidia is upscaling to 2160P.

There is probably something really obvious I have forgotten as it's been a long time since I've had to deep delve into MC settings, but I'd be really grateful for any one who can help me out!


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Re: Problem displaying 2160p
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2018, 11:51:07 am »

I would recommend to only let one part control resolution, ie. preferably only MC, not madVR at the same time. Maybe its conflicting somewhere.

I assume your base windows resolution is also 2160p, and not 1080p?
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters


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Re: Problem displaying 2160p
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2018, 12:04:44 pm »

Thanks for your help.

Yes, base resolution is 2160p.

RD James

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Re: Problem displaying 2160p
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2018, 12:24:26 pm »

Looks like the problem is DPI scaling. You appear to be outputting 3840x2160 at 250%, which madVR seems to read as a 1536x864 output.
I'm not sure what the solution for that is, as I don't use it on my PC here.
I'd try disabling DPI scaling for Media Center, and use its own scaling set to 250%.


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Re: Problem displaying 2160p
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2018, 12:28:06 pm »

strange indeed ... doesn't seem to output 1080p ... more like 1536x864 ... and in 8bit too ... MadVR seems to do down scaling too

running 64bit 23.0.100 with 1070 to OLED E6 ... seems to be working
HTPC: Win11 Pro, MC: latest 31(64b), NV Driver: v425.31, CPU: i9-12900K, 32GB RAM, GeForce: 2080ti
Screen: LG 2016 E6
NAS: FreeNAS 11.1, SuperMicro SSG-5048R-E1CR36L, E5-1620v4, 64GB ECC RAM, 18xUltrastar He12-SAS3 drives, 2x240GB SSD (OS)


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Re: Problem displaying 2160p
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2018, 12:38:06 pm »

I'd try disabling DPI scaling for Media Center, and use its own scaling set to 250%.

MC should be setup to ignore the OS DPI scaling by default, anyway. It might only not work if your system uses multiple screens at different scaling factors. ie. do you have another 1080p screen connected to the system (or any other)? Thats a problematic case at all times. Per-screen DPI is complicated and rather complex.
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters


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Re: Problem displaying 2160p
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2018, 04:52:19 pm »

Thanks guys.

Good to know it's not just me being stupid and it is interesting!

I'll look into it some more tomorrow.

Only the one screen connected - an OLED E6 via a Yamaha 3060 in Direct Mode (no video processing).

RD James

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Re: Problem displaying 2160p
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2018, 07:22:54 pm »

I can't seem to reproduce this here.
When I select 250% scaling in Windows, madVR is still seeing the correct desktop resolution.
I would make sure that the display resolution is set to 3840x2160 and disable the mode switching in both Media Center and madVR for now.
Make sure that Windows (10, I would assume, if you're using HighDPI display options), Media Center, and madVR are up to date.


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Re: Problem displaying 2160p
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2018, 08:39:03 pm »

I would try connecting PC to TV directly first to make sure its not Yamaha that's causing problems
HTPC: Win11 Pro, MC: latest 31(64b), NV Driver: v425.31, CPU: i9-12900K, 32GB RAM, GeForce: 2080ti
Screen: LG 2016 E6
NAS: FreeNAS 11.1, SuperMicro SSG-5048R-E1CR36L, E5-1620v4, 64GB ECC RAM, 18xUltrastar He12-SAS3 drives, 2x240GB SSD (OS)


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Re: Problem displaying 2160p
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2018, 04:11:11 am »

Morning everyone!

I’m sure you are spot on about DPI scaling causing the problem. It has been some time since I’d looked at the MadVR HUD, had been looking at some 2.35:1 movies and had assumed without doing the calculations the 1536x864 numbers were due to letterboxing. Now I realise they should show the entire viewport size and are in fact exactly 4K/2.5. I am using 250% DPI scaling.

I didn't look closely enough when using Life of PI, so didn't see that too had the odd numbers.

I didn’t originally have display mode switching set up in MavVR, only in MC Video Settings, but I added the 2160p modes to MadVR early on to try to fix. I thought maybe the MadVR settings had got lost in the move to MC23.

I tried changing Windows desktop mode down and back to see if that would fix but it made no difference. As I said earlier, I actually change the MC display mode right down to 720p and it did nothing. Still the refresh rate obeyed the rules set in MC but the resolution remained 4K/2.5. It seems MC/MadVR was stubbornly using 4K/DPI Resolution as it's target.

Anyway, after making all these changes and completely deleting MadVR and it's settings at one point and letting MC re-add them things hadn't changed. Reapplying my display settings didn't help either, but a reboot after all this has completely fixed things.

So maybe this is one of these completely random things that will never be explained, but for some reason MadVR was using DPI Scaling to calculate it's viewport. It might be worth looking into how conceivably this might happen, particularly as people might not notice right away, if this 'bug' (for want of a better word) crops up, unless they happen to use the HUD.

rec head

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Re: Problem displaying 2160p
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2018, 05:24:16 am »

I have had issues of madVR downscaling to weird resolutions too. I have also had to restart when changing resolutions (1080 for 3D and back to 4K) to get everything working. I've been away and haven't been able to try and get things sorted as others have.
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