The volume leveling feature is great, but I have a specific problem I'm running into on a small handful of albums.
In particular today it's Janet Jackson's "janet." album from 1993 (but this has happened on other titles as well).
The "janet." album has short interludes (indexed as separate tracks) between almost every song. So while the legit songs have a Volume Level (ReplayGain) of, say, -6dB.... the interludes (because they're so quiet) have a Volume Level (ReplayGain) of +14dB...
So when JRiver averages those to produce a ReplayGain for the whole album, it is considerably louder than the surrounding albums because it doesn't look like JRiver takes the track's length into consideration (in a perfect world, JRiver would see track 1 (an interlude) is 30 seconds, and track 2 (a song) is 5 minutes, and would give 10x's the weight to the ReplayGain of track 2).
All that said, is there a way I can manually edit the calculated ReplayGain of an album without affecting the individual track levels (for shuffling) so that the album does in fact play at a relative equal volume to all other albums?