More > JRiver Media Center 22 for Mac

distorsion noise + compilation problem



I've been using JRiver 22 for Mac for about a year now... I have 2 problems and I don't know how to fix them... The 1st is that sometimes (not all the times), I hear distorsion when the music plays. It's a light cracking noise, about the same volume as the music. At first, I though it was because I use different music formats (16 and 24 bits) but it does this with BOTH formats. When it happens, I have to make JRiver quit and start over... This usually fixes the problem... But it's not very handy... I use an external sound card (Motus 828)... this problem never occurred when I was using itune...

my second issue is that a have LOTS of compilations. In order to have all the songs regrouped I leave the ARTIST field empty... it works — I can listen to these compilations — but whenever I want to know who's playing, I have to check on the web... not very handy... I also never had this problem with itune...


RD James:

--- Quote from: Alaindexe on March 02, 2018, 01:47:13 pm ---/Hi,

I've been using JRiver 22 for Mac for about a year now... I have 2 problems and I don't know how to fix them... The 1st is that sometimes (not all the times), I hear distorsion when the music plays. It's a light cracking noise, about the same volume as the music. At first, I though it was because I use different music formats (16 and 24 bits) but it does this with BOTH formats. When it happens, I have to make JRiver quit and start over... This usually fixes the problem... But it's not very handy... I use an external sound card (Motus 828)... this problem never occurred when I was using itune...
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Try increasing the buffer size.

--- Quote from: Alaindexe on March 02, 2018, 01:47:13 pm ---my second issue is that a have LOTS of compilations. In order to have all the songs regrouped I leave the ARTIST field empty... it works — I can listen to these compilations — but whenever I want to know who's playing, I have to check on the web... not very handy... I also never had this problem with itune...


--- End quote ---
Don't remove the Artist tags, fill out the Album Artist tag instead.


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