going to test later if it has something to do with that tag i'm using where its moving the file .. i will remove tag and see if repeats still exists tomorrow ...
Don't bother doing this test. It has nothing to do with the problem you are seeing.
As you have the "Don't record programs that have been recorded in the past" boxed ticked the problem will be a combination of the data in your EPG and the fields you have selected to work out if a program is a repeat.
The issue with the EPG is that (at least in Australia) the repeat programs often do not have the same EPG data as the original broadcast. This is particularly a problem for news and current affair programs, where usually there is only name data and no series data, or much else to differentiate the broadcasts. For those I use the "One per day, near xx:xx a/pm" setting and set the Anchor Time to the start time of the program.
But I also see lots of programs where the original broadcast includes Series name, Season number, and Episode name and number data for the original broadcast, and then just the Series name for the repeat broadcast. In those cases MC just can't work out if the second broadcast is a repeat or not.
The other issue is the fields you have selected for the "Compare fields" when using the "Don't record programs that have been recorded in the past" setting. I set mine to just the "Name and Series name" as again, often the second broadcast has a very slightly different Description. Maybe they even add "Repeat" to the beginning of the description. So if Description is included in the "Compare fields" MC will note that the second broadcast has a different Description and record it, as it is not an exact repeat. For the same reasons as mentioned above, I don't include the "Season number" or "Episode number" in the "Compare fields", as they are often missing for the repeat broadcast.
Now, your situation may be somewhat different, as in Australia our broadcasters deliberately try to obfuscate that a program is a repeat, and will use any tricks to try to get us to watch something we have already watched before. I think they reckon once we have started watching we will watch the whole thing again anyway, or at least see the adds at the beginning before we work out it is a repeat and change channels.
So set up a View for you EPG data (Set rules for display to "Limit database to" "Television Guide", and make sure "Use parent scheme rules for file display" is unticked) and compare the different broadcasts for the critical fields; [Name], [Series], [Season], [Episode], [Description], and see if they are identical or slightly different. Adjust the "Compare fields" to work better, if possible.
EDIT: I see Yaobing is on the same track as me.
out of interest does that rule delete the info in the database ie that its been recorded when the rule gets activated