Setup: MC 23.0.103 on macOS 10.13.3; MacPro 5.1; AMD 7970 3GB graphics; five displays; "Displays have separate Spaces" enabled.
It appears that when multiple monitors are not aligned to be flush at the top, it somehow causes MC's menus to always appear on my primary display, regardless of the display the MC window is on.
EDIT: The succinct description appears to be: "MC's menus are aligned according to the top of the primary display, rather than the display that contains MC. If the MC display is below the primary, menus appear on the primary. If the MC display is above the primary, menus appear too low."Take a look at these two Displays arrangements:

The only difference is that in the first case, the second monitor from the left is not top-aligned with the primary display, it's down a little. This is my standard config, which accurately represents the physical positions, meaning my mouse cursor doesn't jump up or down when I move it from one display to the next.
Unfortunately, for some weird reason having the first arrangement above causes MC's menus to appear always on the primary display, regardless of the display on which MC's window actually sits.
Here's a screenshot demonstrating the issue, taken between the 2nd screen from left and the primary:

You can see that clicking on a menu item has created the menu drop down to the right of MC's window, on my primary display instead of the display MC is on. This has also caused the MC menu to be replicated on the primary display, as if there were MC windows on both displays. Though the menu dropdown is not aligned with anything, it always appears on the hard top left of the primary.
No other app does this.
For now I am working around the issue by setting my arrangement as per the second one shown above - all displays flush at the top. But I'd rather not have to always have this, because it doesn't properly align the mouse pointer or dragged windows when they go over the screen boundaries.