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Author Topic: [Feature Request] Handheld sync should not go outside folders it manages  (Read 1124 times)


  • MC Beta Team
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handheld has a series of file paths in which it will put files of different types, by default these are


however when you connect a device then jriver appears to scan the entire device and reports on files outside those locations

This impacts the user in 3 ways

1) it is slow to startup the sync, jriver can sit there appearing to do nothing for a long time before the sync operation can start
2) it places the user at risk of inadvertently deleting content that has nothing to do with jriver
3) you can't use jriver to delete content that no longer matches the selected filter (playlist) unless the device is dedicated to this purpose (i.e. is a complete slave to jriver)

Minimally it should scan those selected folders only
It would probably be preferable to also allow the user to select file types that are in scope of the sync



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It would probably be preferable to also allow the user to select file types that are in scope of the sync

You can do that already. There is a list of file extensions it manages in the device settings. Its initially filled based on the file types the device reports as supported.
~ nevcairiel
~ Author of LAV Filters


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1) it is slow to startup the sync, jriver can sit there appearing to do nothing for a long time before the sync operation can start
Yes, improvement here would be most welcome.
pretend this is something funny
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