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Author Topic: METADATA ISSUE  (Read 2256 times)


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« on: April 01, 2018, 05:44:00 pm »

I am currently in JRiverMC23.0.103 on a Mac OS X 10.11.6. 

A. If I edit a file that is in MC that has text in comments field and/or album artists field and I edit these in an external program (I am currently using Yate.).

B.   When in Yate, all the metatags I change carry across into the MC library after I 'update library from tags' except the comments and album artists fields if they are left blank but will update if I change the text to something else.

C. Did a couple of experiments. I deleted the album that had not updated properly from the MC catalogue
  • I moved the folder to another location and re-imported it.  The updates to comments field and album artists field that were changed to have no text/blank were updated properly in MC
  • when I did not delete or move the folder to another location and re-imported it.  The updates to comments field and album artists field that were changed to have no text/blank were not updated and retained comments and album artist info that I had deleted in Yate. The only way to fix this is to redelete again in MC.

Looked at the RAW metadata in Yate and the comments and albums artist are indeed empty after  I delete them in YATE.

Where is the communication breakdown happening?
Is this OS X related, JRiver related or does Yate need to flag the deletions in a way that JRiver can read it?

Please advise or look into bug. this use to work in older versions of MC.


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