While I have a few issues using it for video playback, JRemote is really still quite good for regular music playback. Unfortunately, one area it doesn't excel is Audiobooks and other long-form audio content. Things like allowing the files to be downloaded, bookmarking, resuming playback where left off, marking items from a list as done, etc. I have a great audiobook player for my mobile devices, but it requires manually syncing books over to it like an animal (which is becoming more and more fragile and difficult to accomplish anyway).
But, I don't think JRiver has to re-invent the wheel here and alter their app or even try to make a new one (at least not for this purpose). There are already a TON of quite good podcast player apps in the market, which offer a ton of options and configuration choices, and which handle long-form audio playback quite well. If only I could connect these players with MC.
I'd LOVE it if MC could serve the set of Playlists and Smartlists it has as Podcast RSS feeds directly via MCWS. This would allow me to point my podcast player of choice at Playlist selections on my home MC server, and it would automatically pick up the audiobooks I want to be able to use directly from MC.
So, for any smartlist or playlist, I'd like some URL scheme I could use that would spit out a podcast-friendly RSS feed of the content of the list.
Thanks in advance for considering.