Devices > Apple iPad, iPhone, iPod, Airplay

HandHeld file format conversion

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You have the Audio Mode set to "Specified output format only when necessary". When you are syncing to a hard disk folder the default file types supported setting is set to "*", so FLAC files are supported and there is no need to convert. So MC doesn't convert to MP3s.

Either change the "Files, Paths, & More > Support Types" to just MP3s, or change the "Conversion > Audio > Mode" to "Specified output format".

OK. Great. I only specify MP3 for output format that created all FLAC to MP3 now.
Thanks for your help !  ;D

One more question that I could not find answer about copying PC device to iPod manually in wiki document.
I copied whole device directory to iTune that caused duplicated Playlist in iPod.
Should I copy Playlist only to iTune or both Artist folders, database.mpl and Playlist ?
How can I avoid duplicated playlist ?
Please advice me.

Stack drive low in space error. where is stack drive setting ? I have 900 GB space on Drive for conversion.
Never mind, I found  a setting at Conversion Cache option. it looks good now.


--- Quote from: nuvira on April 16, 2018, 10:36:08 am ---How can I avoid duplicated playlist ?
Please advice me.
--- End quote ---

Sorry, I've never used an iPod so I don't know how to help you.

It isn't a MC issue, so you won't find that advice in the Wiki. There must be advice on the internet somewhere.


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