More > JRiver Media Center 24 for Linux
Set up JRiver Media Center 24 in Fedora
1. 64-bit only
2. This script will not point major upgrades (i.e. from v23 to v24) to the old library. It is recommended to first perform a library backup, install the new major version, and then restore the library backup.
3. You can install beta versions by placing the .deb file in the SOURCES directory and running the script as outlined below. Update (20-MAR-2019): beta version support added, simply run the script per usual and enter the beta team password when prompted.
How to install:
1. Extract
--- Code: ---unzip
--- End code ---
2. You may need to make the script executable:
--- Code: ---sudo chmod +x ./
--- End code ---
3. Install or update MC (the script will ask for your sudo password to install necessary packages):
--- Code: ---./ 24.0.28
--- End code ---
(where 24.0.28 is the current debian AMD64 version)
4. Install your .mjr license (change XXXXXX and the path to match your license file):
--- Code: ---mediacenter24 /RestoreFromFile "~/Downloads/Media Center24 Master-XXXXXX.mjr"
--- End code ---
1. Added test for rpm-build package (and add if necessary) (20-FEB-2017)
2. Added test for rpmfusion repos (and add if necessary) (20-FEB-2017)
3. Script is now MC version agnostic and self-contained (20-FEB-2017)
4. Changed versioning system used in rpmbuild. MC point versions are now stored as the variation number. DNF may erroneously report a downgrade the first time the new package number is installed. (20-FEB-2017)
5. Check for RPMFusion repos before installing dpkg and rpm-build (27-APR-2017)
6. Fix dpkg check (31-MAY-2017)
7. Attempted fix for rpm-build check (21-JAN-2018)
8. Add libgomp dependency (13-MAY-2018)
9. Add gtk3 dependencies (19-MAY-2018)
10. Install and symlink ca-certificates files for license registration (24-MAY-2018)
11. Fix ca-certificates symlinking (28-MAY-2018)
12. Add some silent logic for future CentOS support (CentOS 8) (29-MAY-2018)
13. Add web browsing dependencies (29-MAY-2018)
14. Complete silent CentOS logic (30-MAY-2018)
15. Use default .desktop file (30-MAY-2018)
16. Add security limits file to rpmbuild (05-JAN-2019)
17. Update security limits file naming for upcoming JRiver Media Center 25 (20-MAR-2019)
18. Add beta version support (20-MAR-2019)
19. Make rpmbuild error output noisier (20-MAR-2019)
Bryan, out of interest, could this script be relatively easily modified to work for CentOS (which I think is a common relative of Fedora), instead of Fedora itself?
What would need to change?
--- Quote from: astromo on May 28, 2018, 09:13:54 am ---Bryan, out of interest, could this script be relatively easily modified to work for CentOS (which I think is a common relative of Fedora), instead of Fedora itself?
What would need to change?
--- End quote ---
Could you try out the attached script on CentOS? (I removed the script and posted a new version below). I added a host OS check to install the corresponding RHEL RPMFusion repos on CentOS. The only question left is if they actually contain the necessary libraries and versions. I'm currently on flaky internet so downloading CentOS will take ages for me to test.
I've got a CentOS 7 machine that's running a mergerfs storage pool on a repurposed Thecus N5550 NAS box. The standard OEM offerings didn't include something as flexible as a single pool that could deal with a single disk failure and still maintain the data integrity of the other disks. I use it to back up my primary NAS.
Anyhoo, it's because it's running CentOS that made me think, "why just Fedora?" for your script. I'll give it a try, even though I've got no need to run MC from the N5550, and report back. Might take a little while to make happen, so don't worry if I go quiet for a bit.
It was actually a timely request because I've been mulling setting up MC and my media collection in a storage VPS running CentOS. I've been traveling a lot lately and thus I usually don't have control over the hardware NAT (unless the host has been so inept kind enough to keep the default password), limiting my ability to access my collection on-the-go via Gizmo or my library client.
I'll try to spin one up when I get a chance and test the repos.
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