More > JRiver Media Center 24 for Linux
Installing or Restoring a License on Linux
Please follow these instructions:
If you have problems
1) Make sure your computer is connected to the internet and is not blocked for https access to the internet (port 443).
2) Check to see if your computer's time and date are accurate.
3) Try to copy and paste the license code in as opposed to typing it. If you must type it, make sure that you distinguish between the letter O and the number 0 as well as the letter l and the number 1.
4) If you are running on a non-supported (not debian) distro, your certificate store must be correct.
On some machines you can do:
sudo update-ca-certificates
On others (ie fedora) you may need to link the existing cert file into /etc/ssl/certs:
cd /etc/ssl/certs
sudo ln -s /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem ca-certificates.crt
5) If all else fails, you can download the mjr file via (it's good for 2 weeks) and install the license manually, using the Linux terminal (as the USER running MC, and NOT as root or sudo).
mediacenter24 /RestoreFromFile ~/Downloads/"Media Center24 Linux-YYYYYY.mjr"
(replacing Media Center24 Linux-YYYYYY.mjr" above with your filename and replacing ~/Downloads with your path).
Hi there,
I paid full for the mc24 license for my windows machine. Now I've bought/installed mc24 master license on my linux system and it's working great.
The problem is I didn't read the instructions carefully and realize I should've received a big discount for upgrading from Win MC24 to Master License MC24.
I'm not sure how I go about getting a refund.
I tried to purchase a Linux license but the form is failing my email address. I'm assuming it's because I'm using a plus address. Please let me know when this is fixed so I can buy a license. Thanks
--- Quote from: kshanholtzer on November 06, 2018, 05:23:54 am ---I tried to purchase a Linux license but the form is failing my email address. I'm assuming it's because I'm using a plus address. Please let me know when this is fixed so I can buy a license. Thanks
--- End quote ---
Thanks for the heads-up we are on it. Will let you know when it's ready to accept the + in the address.
--- Quote from: bob on November 06, 2018, 09:07:57 am ---Thanks for the heads-up we are on it. Will let you know when it's ready to accept the + in the address.
--- End quote ---
Should be good to go now!
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