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Album Type is incorrect and not editable


I have several compilation CD's that ripped as Album Type = single artist(complete).  I understand this is not an editable field.    The Album Artist field will not accept the change if I try to change that to "(Multiple Artists)".    The Album Artist will allow me to blank out the field, and then after I save that, I can enter that as "(Multiple Artists)", which then causes the album to display as a single album (which is what I am aiming for).  The problem is, when I change Album Artist to blank, it also changes all the Artist values to blank as well, but I want to keep the artist.    Ideally, what I really need is for  the software to recognize the Album Type as multiple artists(complete), but again, that's not editable.   Any idea how to correct this mess?

RD James:
I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to achieve here, but:

[Artist] = Track Artists. Uses a semicolon if you want to list multiple contributing artists (I prefer that to "Artist feat. Other"). Every track on an album can be different.
[Album Artist] = The "artist" name for the album as a whole. This should only contain a single value whether that is the main artist, the DJ, the brand; e.g. "Ministry of Sound". You could also enter "Various Artists" or "(Multiple Artists)" to match JRiver's usage.
[Album Artist (auto)] is calculated based on those values.
If there is only one artist listed for all tracks on the album, it uses that.
If there are many artists listed for an album, it will use (Multiple Artists)
If you have set a value for [Album Artist] it will use that regardless of what is in [Artist]
Is it possible that you're trying to edit [Album Artist (auto)] rather than [Album Artist] ?

Also read this:

You shouldn't be trying to edit the [Album Type] field. As you noted, it is non-editable, as it is a calculated field in MC.


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