My experience with VideoReDo TV Suite is the same as yours Astromo; It isn't very reliable and needs human intervention to fix many false positives and missed commercial breaks.
I use it mostly for movies, and any dark movie will cause multiple false positives. Some commercials seem to have very little, if any black frames to detect, and some just run straight over the top of programs so there is no way to detect them, except perhaps sound changes. I have tried all sorts of settings in VideoReDo, but I can't really improve the reliability. Honestly though, I have had a couple of goes, spent a few hours, but gave up. I now use VideoReDo as a first cut, then manually check the cuts and fix them.
Because of the above I haven't even tried ComSkip. If you get it working Nathan then please do share. But I'm not hopeful.
Besides, TV is a bit of a joke in Australia these days. I rely on it less and less. With the MHEG5 EPG being removed I now use the EIT EPG, and that is near useless. If I can't find a program automatically and have it record, I just go without, except for a few staple programs. I know, I could use IceTV, but that doesn't suit me at the moment.
So carry on. Be the guinea pig again Nathan!