I'm against it because it's a waste of JRiver's finite development resources.
"Everyone's perception is different" is a terrible argument to make when you are going against objective measures and general consensus.
I already said in my first post on this subject that I did not expect JRiver to implement this type of option. The latest comment is a general comment, not one specific to JRiver development.
Objective versus Subjective - Yes that is exactly what the ongoing discussion is about - measurement versus actual listening. It is the same old arguments, with no resolution.
Arichmago's "update" article is a measurement article, not an update of actual listening tests. His listening test results stand. And his conclusion in the new article is based on perfectly mastered music, something that is far from true in general.
"General consensus" - only among some objectivist.
Let me provide another reference, including in the agonizing discussion on the CA thread about John Atkinson's recent article. Forget the article itself or the various arguments. The following is part of a post from Miska, a well respected participant on that forum:
"minimum phase filters are in my personal opinion better sounding. But I don't even try to force that on everyone and that's why I provide both linear- and minimum-phase versions of same filters."
https://www.computeraudiophile.com/forums/topic/49609-john-atkinson-yes-mqa-is-elegant/?page=22I do not understand why people reject the idea that people hear differently. Remember the recent audio that was widely circulated on which some people hear Yanny and others heard Laurel. The difference is in how each individual brain interprets the sound. There were lots of explanations put forward about the various frequencies involved, etc. but in the end the difference is how peoples' brains function that makes the difference. The human brain is complex and every one is different.
Enjoy the music.