I have some questions about streaming. If I choose:
PublicRadioFan : Mediacenter uses ALSA with the Chromium Engine (Photo 1)
No second window opens.
Shoutcast: MC opens a second window and uses the Chromium Engine with PulsAudio (Photo 2)
Icecast does not open a second window and plays via PulseAudio
Swiss classic plays via Alsa (Query: "add to Web media)
Swiss Jazz plays via PulseAudio (no query: "add to Web media)
Is this a bug?
Why is this so?
There are some differences in the way they are accessed. The Streaming category is kind of a catch-all. Radio Paradise for example has a completely different API and plays directly through MC's audio engine.
Anything web based will not.
I can't see why there should be a difference between Swiss Classic and Swiss Jazz. I'll take a look at that one. It looks like Swiss Classic is using the MC audio engine as well. I assume that would be the preferred method if it's possible.