MC has a function called CARNAC that guesses what imported files are based on their file names, not their folder names. At least, I don't think it ever uses folder names.
But you don't need to use the folder name. I just renamed a video file and put it in a folder to match your example, and imported it into MC. CARNAC correctly worked out that the movie name was "Sorry to Bother You" and placed that value in the [Name] tag. It also worked out the movie was from 2018 and put that value in the [Year] tag.
CARNAC does not rename the files. It sets tags for the files.
If you are seeing "" you are looking at the [Filename (name)] tag. Don't do that. Look at the [Name] tag, and use it in MC Views as intended.
Of course, you can use the MC Rename, Move, & Copy Files function to rename files. I do something like you, and put movies into their own sub-directory named the same as the file, like this: \Movies\Sorry to Bother You (2018)\Sorry to Bother You (2018).mkv. Or sometimes I just leave the file name alone and rename the folder as above.
Search the Wiki for "CARNAC", "Rename, Move, & Copy Files", "Tagging" and similar for clarification. Although I see that you have been using MC a long time, so I would have thought you knew what is in the Wiki, and how tagging works.
Is there something else going on that is stopping CARNAC from working correctly? Perhaps the movie file already has a value in the "Title" tag, which is saved in the [Name] tag in MC, and so CARNAC doesn't overwrite the existing value?
In that case, either delete the Title from the file before importing it into MC, using some external tool, or the "Explorer" function under "Drive & Devices" just to delete the tag. Then import it, and CARNAC should do what you want. Or easier, after importing the movie file, just run the "Get Movie & TV Info" function, search for the correct movie name, i.e. "Sorry to Bother You" in this case, select and then save the correct movie information, which will fix the [Name] tag for you.