More > JRiver Media Center 25 for Windows
NEW: Movie Trailers
Now when Media Center looks up a movie from TheMovieDB, it puts the trailer for the movie in the "Trailer" field (a new field).
Then in Theater View if you pick the movie, there is an option "Trailer" available from the top roller. When you view a details list with the column "Trailer" showing, there is a play icon to start the trailer.
Right now all the trailers come from YouTube, but the system should allow the trailer to be anywhere.
Feel free to post questions or comments here. Thanks.
Just to follow suit with the other thread, this is an MC25 feature that will come to beta in the next few days.
Mmmm could this be used to browse (and watch) trailers for movies you don't have? (with say a default sort order from newest to oldest)?
Well I just named one of my movies "Replica" (the name of a new movie), did a lookup and got a trailer.
So I guess we might be able to build on something like that?
Not quite sure how the database values would work though.
Help brainstorm :)
Will the Trailer file be downloaded from YouTube, and then played using the MC engine?
Or will the trailer be streamed from YouTube and require the WDM Driver to be installed and configured?
EDIT: Maybe I shouldn't associate streaming the WDM, as I guess you could stream and play in the MC engine.
So the question is will the trailer be played in the MC engine, or in a browser requiring the WDM Driver?
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