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Author Topic: ASIO Live problem with RME device  (Read 4506 times)


  • World Citizen
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ASIO Live problem with RME device
« on: January 15, 2019, 10:00:59 pm »


I have searched the forum, but can’t find anything describing my problem. I am using the latest stable version.

The problem is that ASIO live don’t seem to be working. It just gets stuck on ‘opening’ in the top bar. I am using an RME fireface 400. Loopback is configured and channel offset is set.

The RME  mixer shows signal on the channels that are input to jriver.
I have seen other threads with people recently experiencing problems with asio live.
Any ideas?


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Re: ASIO Live problem with RME device
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2019, 01:42:14 am »

Did it used to work and has stopped working or has never worked?

If the latter try using with it to rule out multi client issues (32 bit only though I think)


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Re: ASIO Live problem with RME device
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2019, 02:18:14 am »

I have RME UFX and UFX II.

Open live works with ASIO. However it is tricky to get the rigth offset. Numbering of channels must b tested by trial and error.
another strange thing is that it only works with Loopback on. Loopback however can only send signal to same channel number.
Example: RME output5 can only Loopback to Input5 !!

Sometimes I also get MC (now: MC24.0.72) stuck if I do OpenLive ASIO or if I do OpenLive WDM. Seems to be rather shaky.

That was actually the reason I watned to be able to configure various inputs via "MC Input Selector"


  • World Citizen
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Re: ASIO Live problem with RME device
« Reply #3 on: January 17, 2019, 04:36:57 pm »

I was able to get it to work by setting jriver output to wasapi instead of asio.


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Re: ASIO Live problem with RME device
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2019, 05:55:11 pm »

ASIO Live works for me on the Lynx Hilo. I just recently used it a week ago and running the latest MC version. When you say stuck, is the time not running in the display? Glad you got it working with wasapi...


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Re: ASIO Live problem with RME device
« Reply #5 on: January 18, 2019, 05:57:23 pm »

I was able to get it to work by setting jriver output to wasapi instead of asio.
that sounds like a multiclient issue then, i.e. the RME driver not supporting a multiclient mode. I do remember having some issues this when I used to have an RME FF800.


  • Galactic Citizen
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Re: ASIO Live problem with RME device
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2019, 05:29:17 am »


I had this issue and solved it some time ago. Its somewhere on this forum, but I better post the "how to" again.

The point is somehow the RME-Driver does not route inputs directly to JRiver, you need first the input to route to output, then that output configue "Loopback" and the it shows up in "open live". Right offset may be a bit crucial, try and try systematically.

I just hera over opne live now, JRiver MC24.0.72PC and RME UFX, Driver of RME:

Here how to:

Select to which output the signal shall go by clicking on the output.
Example: ADAT15/16

2) go to HARDWARE INPUTS / RME Totalmix FX
Signal on analog input, I have there Vinyl/Turnetable:
Example: Analog3/4
Set Volume Slider to volume you want, example: 0dB
Mute: off (button not blue)

Now the signal of Analog3/4 goes to output ADAT15/16

Click on an output
Example: ADAT15/16
Volume Slider: can be anything
Mute: off or on does not play a role
Loopback: ON,  this is they key!!! turn Looback ON

Now the Signal on inputs 3/4 is routed back to to inputs ADAT15/16. You dont see it in the meters!

Now: JRiver, "OPEN Live ASIO", Offset x
In the example. ADAT15/16 are channel 29 and 30. Therefore offset=28 results in 29>1, 30>2 mapping.

An you got your turntable signal, Analog3/4 into JRiver.



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Re: ASIO Live problem with RME device
« Reply #7 on: December 20, 2020, 06:42:23 am »


I had this issue and solved it some time ago. Its somewhere on this forum, but I better post the "how to" again.

The point is somehow the RME-Driver does not route inputs directly to JRiver, you need first the input to route to output, then that output configue "Loopback" and the it shows up in "open live". Right offset may be a bit crucial, try and try systematically.

I just hera over opne live now, JRiver MC24.0.72PC and RME UFX, Driver of RME:

Here how to:

Select to which output the signal shall go by clicking on the output.
Example: ADAT15/16

2) go to HARDWARE INPUTS / RME Totalmix FX
Signal on analog input, I have there Vinyl/Turnetable:
Example: Analog3/4
Set Volume Slider to volume you want, example: 0dB
Mute: off (button not blue)

Now the signal of Analog3/4 goes to output ADAT15/16

Click on an output
Example: ADAT15/16
Volume Slider: can be anything
Mute: off or on does not play a role
Loopback: ON,  this is they key!!! turn Looback ON

Now the Signal on inputs 3/4 is routed back to to inputs ADAT15/16. You dont see it in the meters!

Now: JRiver, "OPEN Live ASIO", Offset x
In the example. ADAT15/16 are channel 29 and 30. Therefore offset=28 results in 29>1, 30>2 mapping.

An you got your turntable signal, Analog3/4 into JRiver.


Hi! Old thread, but I have the same problem. I`m trying to get a signal from my turntable through the JRiver convolution engine. I use Audiolense to generate a convolution filter for room-correction, crossovers and RIAA, and use this filter in the JR convolution engine.

 I have connected the turntable DL103R signal to the RME UFX mic-input 11 and 12. Then I enabled loopback on the ADAT1/2 output. Tried many different ch. offsets in "Open live", but no signal. I see no signal on the outputs in RME TotalMix, except on the ADAT1/2 output. If I check the box "Listen to this device" in the Win10 sound recording devices I get a signal on all the used outputs in TotalMix, and also get a signal in JRiver, OpenLive. Offset doesn`t matter. I guess Win10 is resampling the Turntable input signal when the "Listen to this device" is checked? Can it be that the ch. offset is still the problem? Where can I find the offset numbers for the UFX? I thought this was the numbers seen in the TotalMix, Matrix view? For ADAT1/2 it should be around 12 I think. If I hoover the mouse pointer over the "Gear" symbol", the speed shows 0x realtime. If there is a signal this number is usually 4-5.
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