Hi Cindy,
I can't figure out how to transfer my new files from my pc to my laptop without having to re-enter all my tag info.
Backup and restore won't work because I have both computers configured differently. (ie.. rating, playlist.....)
For files:
If your tag infos are stored in the file (check "update tags when file info change" in Options/General) then you only need to copy your files and re-import them, the tags will be imported along your files. If you use custom tags you must make sure you checked the "store in file tag" box in the custom tag edit dialog.
Works very well with ape, mpc, ogg, mp3
Of course, the custom tags need to be 'declared' on both computer libraries.
For playlists: (tricky)
You can use the export playlist function but you need to have the same file & directory structure on both computers (which is rarely the case) or you need some manual editing (find/replace) on your saved playlists. Basically replacing the file paths from one computer to the other. Tip: better use the MPL format for playlists as it will also store a copy of your tags.
To re-import playlists use the normal "import media.." command and check the appropriate box for mpl playlists. your imported playlists will appear under 'imported playlists' in the playlist tree.
hope this helps,