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NEW: Lyrics Display in Playing Now

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--- Quote from: imeric on February 28, 2019, 10:19:16 am ---BTW I'M still "banned" from their website ie any PCs from my home network's IP address won't connect to azlyrics unless I use a VPN.

All of this due to doing a bulk of about 150 songs or so a few weeks back...I guess they didn't appreciate...

I was looking at their website how do we contribute?

--- End quote ---

I'm having the same problem.  But I did all of three albums, and not at once, it was one after the other.  AZ Lyrics doesn't seem like a workable solution.

Does JRiver have a contact with AZLyrics? 

I contacted through the website about being apparently banned after requesting lyrics for 3 albums, and asked about usage metrics, request delays, etc.  I have not heard back and appear to still be banned.

In terms of showing the lyrics, this feature works as you would expect.  It's fairly nice.  But in some cases the cover art (or artist image) is kinda small compared to the screen real estate available.  It looks to me like 1/3 of the horizontal space is allocated to the image and 2/3 to the lyrics.

This results in a whole bunch of the screen being blank while the image sits over on the left looking kind of small.  It's not a huge big deal.  I'm inclined to suggest a handle so we can adjust lyrics space versus image space.  But I'm not sure if that's too fiddly.  I'm also inclined to think that maybe keeping the image exactly as is and wrapping the lyrics around it might be better.

Or at a minimum some algorithmic placement which allows the image to be the full height of the display area.  Otherwise it looks kinda weird.

I can post screen shots if this is not clear.



Next build will look at azlyrics and also another site if that fails.  Hopefully we'll fare a little better this way.

This is ridiculous. I, like others, cannot access their website - after downloading lyrics for just a few albums.

Given how they treat your customers, I would suggest you drop them altogether unless they re-instate people and promise not to do it in the future.


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