Devices > Apple iPad, iPhone, iPod, Airplay

MC for AppleTV

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Dennis in FL:

--- Quote from: TheShoe on December 22, 2019, 06:43:39 pm ---
i have used infuse as well.   it can only see MC via DLNA, of which there are numerous solutions for any iDevice.   that is the inly integration such as it is with MC

outside of that, infuse will mount smb shares so you could also just use the same shares you likely have set up for MC.

one drawback is that  infuse is video only.  on the plus side, it supports about every format you can throw at it even including dts-ma, truehd, mkv, mp4, and so on...

it will even read bluray folder rips and play the longest title or give you title menus, but not bluray menus sadly....

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Emby and Plex have Apple TV Apps for video and audio.   Infuse is video only. 

But I can DLNA right to the TV I get it another way. 

Would be nice to have a JRiver App, though.

Dennis in FL:

--- Quote from: JimH on March 26, 2019, 09:18:54 am ---Apple is difficult / impossible to support when it concerns devices.

--- End quote ---

I have many media related apps on my apple tv......Infuse, Emby, Plex, & Channels DVR.   And they work fine.   

Hi all

late to the thread, been using JRiver MC for music only close to 20 years now and in parallel using plex for many years as well for video only

I do own 4 Apple TVs across the houses and this thread peaked my interest in maybe finally using MC to take over my video library as well..

I tried infuse to add the DLNA MC as a source but with no real success, any details on how you guys did that?

any other options other than infuse that maybe works better with MC?



Not sure about using Infuse with a DLNA connection, but I recently started using it on my AppleTV because I was so frustrated with the TV's DLNA implementation (an old Panasonic).

Regardless, I keep using MC to manage/rename, etc. all my library files and do playback from the MC computer and its clients.

I simply point the Infuse app on my AppleTV to the SMB share(s) that MC imports from. As long as I don't expect to do any file-level management with Infuse, it's been working pretty well for me. Infuse has certainly been an upgrade from any of the actual DLNA implementations I've tried.

Good luck!

thx so much!


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