More > JRiver Media Center 22 for Windows

Media Server Dropping off the Network

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music first:
Can anybody help me?  I am running an older version of JRiver  (22) and I keep losing the server.  My Music is stored on a windows 10 PC on the second floor of my home.  It is connected to the network wireless.  My Yamaha 3060 is on the first floor plugged directly into the router.  The connections are all good, the signal strong.  I have rebooted the modem and router several times and the server keeps disappearing.  Is there someone that help me check settings or troubleshoot the issue?  If I'm not posting in the right place please let me know.

Make sure that the server PC is getting its IP address from the router via DHCP. And then make sure that the respective granted IP address is reserved for that PC.

music first:
Thank you.  DHCP is on.  I am not sure how to verify the second part of your response.
Thanks again.

Second part ... is to make sure your Server PC gets same IP address every time it request IP address from DHCP

You need to get MAC address of network interface on your PC that connects to your network (in your case thats wifi interface) ... you need to check property of your wifi to get its MAC address

Then on your router ... somewhere in DHCP there is something like “reserve IP addresses” ... it will have table for MAC address and IP address you want to reserve for it

you then add an entry to that table with MAC address of the wifi interface on your server and IP address you want to always assign to it ... that IP address must match subnet addresses of your network (if thats is confusing ... then just assign IP address that your server currently have ... this guarantees its correct cause that address was generated by DHCP)

music first:
Many thanks to you both.  I will trouble shoot this weekend and let you know.  One more question - Would it be advantageous to upgrade JRiver at this point?  The only thing I am currently using it for is to stream music to my system.  I haven't been able to access photos on my computer yet with JRiver.


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