Devices > Apple iPad, iPhone, iPod, Airplay

can I use jriver in windows to play music to my ipad?


I have jremote on my ipad.. is there a way to use jriver on my windows pc and play music to my ipad which is connected to a full size stereo wtih digital or analog cable?  I mean.. using the pc to browse music and play.. not using the touchscreen on my ipad with jremote and changing the zone from desktop pc to player?  or do I need to run a seperate DLNA app on the ipad?

You would need to make the iPad a DLNA Renderer to do that.  I don't know if it's possible.

JRiver for Android will do that, in case you have an extra Android device around.

thanks for replying so quick!  I'll give airfoil a try seems easier than messing with dlna


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