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Syncing with the (obscenity) iphone - Would it be good for MC25 or 26

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jack wallstreet:
Thank you guys, for the discussion!  Good to have an update.

how about sync to jremote? ... jremote reserve storage space on iphone and store sync items there ... sure it will not be usable by other apps on iphone, but who cares as long as jremote can play its private sync items

Shasta Mike:

--- Quote from: jack wallstreet on May 13, 2019, 10:56:01 pm ---The JRiver experience with Apple has been anything but good and JRiver invested a lot and got flicked off.  However, Apple phones are very popular and I am wondering if it is appropriate with MC 25 (or maybe 26 when Itunes has likely been overhauled) to consider some form of update so that syncing is practical.  MCIS is no longer updated.  Maybe there is a less perfect, but acceptable way to throw a bone to Apple phone users (without much investment by JRiver) and help JRiver sales at same time.

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This was one of the reasons I voted with my feet and switched to a Moto G6 Android.  Along with the fact I upgraded to a G6 64GB and was able to add a 128gb SD card for $20 for a total cost under $200 over the old iPhone 6S, today I ran the sync program in MC25 for the first time and could not believe how easy that went. 

There are a few things I miss about the iPhone but mostly my family gives me grief about messaging not working quite right because of the proprietary Apple stuff.  Overall, I am happy with the Android experience.   Basically, the Android hardware I got would cost me 3-4X to get an Apple equivalent in memory, screen size, battery, camera, etc. 

The Android learning curve was not that bad since I use Windows on all my computers.  Now, MC25 has become an even more useful software to me.   

Upgraded to mc25 because of claims it will sync with iPhone.    I followed all of the instructions I could find and nothing works.   Total waste of time and money.    I don't believe that JRiver will ever work with Apple products seamlessly.   I am done wasting time and money.   Shame on JRiver for all of the message encouraging people to upgrade with promises that it is prepared for the death of iTunes.   Not sure what you would do if you ever imported iTunes playlists to JRiver.    I just experimented with a small playlist that I already had built.   Feel sorry for the guy who said he imported 27,000 files into JRiver from iTunes.   What is the benefit if JRiver won't sync with an Apple handheld?    I am not looking beyond JRiver. . .  someone will surely come up with a platform that handles Android and iPhone eventually.   In the meantime, I will just use JRiver for my HD handhelds (ibasso, Pono, etc.)


--- Quote from: tij on May 14, 2019, 09:05:08 am ---how about sync to jremote? ... jremote reserve storage space on iphone and store sync items there ... sure it will not be usable by other apps on iphone, but who cares as long as jremote can play its private sync items

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You know, I don't think this is a bad idea at all.


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