I personally deeply dislike interacting with docker for any reason, especially for anything that could require a graphical user interface or debugging.
Except, the reason we do use docker is NOT because we want to interact with a graphical user interface. Itīs because you got some NAS or server or whatever that you could use as central point to save everyhing, except we donīt if we are gonna install JRiver on some machine and then manage the library there. Sure enough you could install a debian VM intead, but docker is more lightweight and potentionally much easier to get up and running (including remote access with VNC or browser based anything to get to it) on ANY distro with zero hassle. Appimage does not replace docker if you got a headless server. You also gotta somehow access that JRiver instance, witch you then gotta setup yourself.
We DON`T use docker, because we absolutely want to. If you would provide a jriver version that only includes the media server and no UI what so ever, weīd use that instead. But as it stands docker is the easiest way to get close to that without installing an entire operating system for the sole purpose of being a 'never to be looked at again' - jriver install.
Just for the record Iīm already using an unofficial docker image of sorts since day 1 of me using jriver. But again itīs not because I want to use docker specifically. i just wanna use anyhting at all that I can put on whatever distro that works and stays out of my way, but keeps track of my music, playlists and so forth. An official docker image based on debian is probbaly the easiest thing you can do to support that officially, since you already got debian officially working. Ofc, we can hack our way around official support. But thatīs not really the point of this thread, I think.