Devices > Apple iPad, iPhone, iPod, Airplay

JRemote on iPad and iPhone

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I’m a long time JRiver user and have been patiently waiting for a couple of years for the video playback in jremote to be fixed. Clearly this is not being reported to the devs as there’s been no improvement in the app since release.

1- won’t play several media formats without pausing or hanging. Mkv particularly problematic.
2- the next button exits and does not take you to the next video. Not an issue if you are watching a feature film but I have a huge collection of guitar tutorial videos that are sometimes only a few min long each. This is a real pain.

The video performance of jremote in my experience is so inconsistent and poor that I frequently resort to uploading my files to Dropbox so that they can be played. That’s dismal.

Am I unique in this experience??



Awesome Donkey:
Pretty sure they know about the video playback issues. If I recall correctly the fix for it isn't easy at all to do but I believe it's on their to-do list at some point in the future.

Have the playback issues been addressed. I can not skip a video currently using JRemote and an Ipad


Awesome Donkey:
Nope, not yet.


--- Quote from: therat on February 22, 2020, 11:16:23 am ---Have the playback issues been addressed. I can not skip a video currently using JRemote and an Ipad


--- End quote ---

what version of iOS/JRemote are you using?  Current version does not even play a video - it just crashes to the iOS "desktop".

i still have the previous version on my iPhone.  Wish they would revert the version in the apple store to at least get back to something marginally more stable


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