More > JRiver Media Center 25 for Windows

NEW: HDCD Detection and Playback

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Media Center now fully supports the HDCD standard.

It can analyze whether a file is HDCD with the Audio Analyzer.  Then it can use the HDCD tag during playback to expand the bitdepth.

Some seemingly ordinary CD's also have HDCD capabilities when played with certain hardware or software.  The files ripped from these CD's also have the HDCD information, so there is no need to re-rip.

By default the HDCD field will be set to -1.  This means the file has not yet been analyzed.  After it gets analyzed, the value will be 0 (no HDCD) or 1 (has HDCD).

MC will report that it's decoding the HDCD in the Audio Path of Media Center if it is engaged:

The analyzer will not analyze HDCD by default (starting with build 71), so you need to opt-in here if you want it to:
Options > Library & Folders > Analyze for HDCD

The program will also automatically tag lossy files and files that are not 44,100x16x2 as not HDCD (with the latest build).

You can turn HDCD processing off if you prefer in Options > Audio > Advanced > Play as HDCD if possible

There's more about HDCD here:

Previous thread

Nice :)

I checked few times the date/time of the thread,

Should we do anything now to see HDCD?
How can I see how many HDCD I have?


--- Quote from: michael123 on June 20, 2019, 02:56:33 pm ---Should we do anything now to see HDCD?  How can I see how many HDCD I have?

--- End quote ---
You need to select your files and run the Audio Analyzer on them. Once this is done, the HDCD tag will have a "1" for all HDCD files. You can then create a View to show just HDCD files or use the Search Wizard to show them. The bottom of the View will show how many files are in that View.

I personally think that HDCD containing files with their 18 bits (if all necessary HDCD tags are involved) sound a bit better than ordinary 44.1k16 data. in my library there are two comparable entries, namely Mark Knopfler's Sailing to Philadelphia in HDCD and in 48k24. It seems that both digital copies were made from a very well mastered analog tape. So my pearsonal opinion on the three version of the album is - CD sounds plainly lacking microdetails especailly in high frequencies, HDCD sounds better adding microdetails and "air", hi-res 48k24 sounds fantastic giving a full perception in both dynamic range and microdetails.

But if you have an HDCD version only, compared with ordinary CD, it sounds better and it's good to have an option to decode HDCD in the JRiver player.


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