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Audio delay through WDM driver? [Solved]

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I recently upgraded to Windows 10 and thankfully had no issues with installing the WDM driver. While everything works fine in JRiver, anything else I play seems to have audio out of sync with video. The audio is a little behind the video. I tried SVP,stand alone MPC-HC,VLC and a few youtube videos and they all shared this problem. How can I fix this? If there is troubleshooting to be done please note simple steps as I am not that tech savvy. Thank you.

You could try reducing the audio buffering in Options > Audio for Media Center.  Picking a low-latency ASIO output would be even better.  My sound card actually lets you dial the latency in on a separate control panel page.

I do use the ASIO driver from what I can tell. I have attached a screenshot of the options listed in it. If it helps I use a RME HDSPe AES card. I wasn't sure which option you meant in Options>Audio.

Try using less than 50 ms and don't use large hardware buffers.  Does that change help?

You could also look around on the RME settings page for latency.

I use the WDM driver with Netflix and sync is pretty good. But since this is live playback, you have to be very careful not to introduce any latency (or as little as possible) in Media Centers DSP.

Reduce latency in the output driver (ASIO), avoid as much DSP processing in MC as possible, stuff like that. I even go as far as doing resampling in the Windows mixer, so that I don't get any latency from that in MC. If you do need/want to do resampling in MC, use SoX, as that has a lower latency overall.


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