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Author Topic: MCC 22001,2 or 22000,5 does not work after MCC 10014  (Read 874 times)


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MCC 22001,2 or 22000,5 does not work after MCC 10014
« on: August 02, 2019, 02:11:41 am »

if you send 10014 to minimise and then 22001,2 to show theatre view then at some point in the (not too distant) past, theatre view would be shown. However I've noticed that this no longer works, the command is executed but nothing happens.

similarly 22000,5 does not work but any other UI code does work so this looks like it is a theatre view specific bug



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Re: MCC 22001,2 or 22000,5 does not work after MCC 10014
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2019, 07:17:52 am »

I can't reproduce this running the latest.

MC25.exe /MCC 10014 minimizes and MC25.exe /MCC 22001,2 brings it back no problem.

I wonder what might be different?

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: MCC 22001,2 or 22000,5 does not work after MCC 10014
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2019, 08:14:18 am »

Running with media server on?

I will check the log to see if it reports anything when I send the command


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Re: MCC 22001,2 or 22000,5 does not work after MCC 10014
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2019, 09:24:10 am »

Just to make sure we're on the same page, update to the latest build:,121675.0.html

Then looking at logs is probably a good thing.  Let's see if we can figure out where or what might be falling down.

Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: MCC 22001,2 or 22000,5 does not work after MCC 10014
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2019, 04:04:22 pm »

I am running the latest beta

naturally first time I sent the command once I was looking at logs, it worked :)

fortunately, 2nd time it failed so that gives some comparison from the log

did something
Code: [Select]
0000000: 6376: General: Launcher: Command Line: /MCC 22001,2
50128594: 6804: General: CMCUICore::SetMode: Start
50128594: 6804: General: CMCUICore::SetMode: Setting UI mode: 3
50128609: 6804: General: CTheaterViewWnd::LoadSkin: Start
50128609: 6804: Database: CMediaFileIOLoad::Load: Loading: C:\Users\Matt\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 25\Library\browser (theater view).jmd
50128609: 6804: CD: CDiscDriveInfo::MMCDriveReady: dwError=0x15, nRetries=3
50128625: 6804: CD: CDiscDriveInfo::MMCDriveReady: dwError=0x15, nRetries=2
50128625: 6804: CD: CDiscDriveInfo::MMCDriveReady: DeviceIoControl returns err=0x15
50128625: 6804: Database: CMediaFileIOLoad::Load: Loading: C:\Users\Matt\AppData\Roaming\J River\Media Center 25\Library\browser (theater view).jmd
50128625: 6804: General: CTheaterViewWnd::LoadSkin: Finish (16 ms)
50128640: 6804: General: CMCUICore::UpdateScreenResolution: Start
50128640: 6804: General: CMCUICore::UpdateScreenResolution: Default fullscreen settings:
50128640: 6804: General: CMCUICore::UpdateScreenResolution: Changing monitor 477102709 settings to:
50128672: 6804: General: CMCUICore::UpdateScreenResolution: Finish (32 ms)
50128672: 6804: General: CMainUIWnd::Resize: Start
50128687: 6804: General: COGLCore::Initialize: Start
50128687: 6804: General: COGLCore::Initialize: Stopping previous instances
50128687: 6804: General: COGLCore::InitializeContext: Start
50128687: 6804: General: COGLContextManager::CreateContextEGL: Start
50128687: 6804: General: COGLContextManager::CreateContextEGL: EGL Client Extensions: EGL_EXT_client_extensions EGL_EXT_platform_base EGL_EXT_platform_device EGL_ANGLE_pl
atform_angle EGL_ANGLE_platform_angle_d3d EGL_ANGLE_platform_angle_opengl EGL_ANGLE_platform_angle_null EGL_ANGLE_platform_angle_vulkan EGL_ANGLE_platform_angle_context_v
irtualization EGL_ANGLE_device_creation EGL_ANGLE_device_creation_d3d11 EGL_ANGLE_experimental_present_path EGL_KHR_client_get_all_proc_addresses EGL_KHR_debug EGL_ANGLE_
50128703: 6804: General: COGLContextManager::CreateContextEGL: Selected EGL Config with AntiAlias 2
50128719: 6804: General: COGLContextManager::CreateContextEGL: Initializing GLES extensions
50128719: 6804: General: COGLContext::GLESInit: Version: 3.0, Extensions: GL_ANGLE_client_arrays,GL_ANGLE_depth_texture,GL_ANGLE_explicit_context,GL_ANGLE_explicit_contex
50128719: 6804: General: COGLContextManager::CreateContextEGL: Finish (32 ms)
50128719: 6804: General: COGLCore::InitializeContext: Finish (32 ms)
50128719: 6804: General: COGLCore::Initialize: OpenGL Version: OpenGL ES 3.0 (ANGLE
50128719: 6804: General: COGLCore::Initialize: OpenGL Vendor / Renderer: Google Inc. / ANGLE (NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB Direct3D11 vs_5_0 ps_5_0)
50128719: 6804: General: COGLCore::Initialize: OpenGL Shader Version: OpenGL ES GLSL ES 3.00 (ANGLE
50128719: 6804: General: COGLCore::CreateShaders: Start
50128719: 6804: General: COGLCore::CreateShaders: Creating Shader Program
50128719: 6804: General: COGLCore::CreateShaders: Creating Vertex Shader
50128719: 6804: General: COGLCore::CompileShader: Start
50128719: 6804: General: COGLCore::CompileShader: Creating Shader Object
50128719: 6804: General: COGLCore::CompileShader: Compiling Shader
50128719: 6804: General: COGLCore::CompileShader: Finish (0 ms)
50128719: 6804: General: COGLCore::CreateShaders: Creating Fragment Shader
50128719: 6804: General: COGLCore::CompileShader: Start
50128719: 6804: General: COGLCore::CompileShader: Creating Shader Object
50128719: 6804: General: COGLCore::CompileShader: Compiling Shader
50128719: 6804: General: COGLCore::CompileShader: Finish (0 ms)
50128719: 6804: General: COGLCore::CreateShaders: Linking Shader Program
50128734: 6804: General: COGLCore::CreateShaders: Validating Shader Program
50128734: 6804: General: COGLCore::CreateShaders: Finish (15 ms)
50128734: 6804: General: COGLCore::ResizeInternal: Start
50128734: 6804: General: COGLCore::ResizeInternal: Resizing GL Viewport to 3840x2160 (3840x2160 render size)
50128734: 6804: General: COGLCore::ResizeInternal: Finish (0 ms)
50128734: 6804: General: COGLCore::Initialize: Finish (47 ms)
50128734: 6804: General: CMainUIWnd::Resize: Finish (62 ms)
50128734: 6804: General: CMCUICore::SetMode: Finish (140 ms)
50128734: 6804: General: CMainFrame::OnTaskBarButtonCreated: Start
0000140: 6376: General: CSystemPowerManager::~CSystemPowerManager: Start
0000140: 6376: General: CSystemPowerManager::~CSystemPowerManager: Finish (0 ms)
50128734: 6804: General: CMainFrame::OnTaskBarButtonCreated: Finish (0 ms)
50128750: 6804: General: CMCUICore::SystemPowerManager_UpdateActions: Start
50128750: 6804: General: CMCUICore::SystemPowerManager_UpdateActions: UI Mode: -994; Playing: 0
50128750: 6804: General: CMCUICore::SystemPowerManager_UpdateActions: Finish (result: 0) (0 ms)
50128750: 6804: General: CTheaterViewLayout::Layout: Start
50128750: 6804: General: CTheaterViewLayout::Layout: Evaluating XML layout
50128750: 6804: General: CTheaterViewLayout::Layout: Root roller layout
50128750: 6804: General: CTheaterViewLayout::Layout: Navigation roller layout
50128750: 7884: General: CTheaterViewBackgroundItemLoadThread::Thread: Start
50128750: 7884: General: CTheaterViewBackgroundItemLoadThread::Thread: Gathering online URLs
50128750: 7884: General: CTheaterViewBackgroundItemLoadThread::Thread: Building items
50128750: 7884: General: CTheaterViewBackgroundItemLoadThread::Thread: Getting sidecars
50128750: 6804: General: CTheaterViewLayout::Layout: View layout
50128765: 7884: Database: CDataHolder::Load: Field: Filename; Files: 55787; Pointer bytes: 446584; Data bytes: 3394120; Elapsed ms: 15.189
50128765: 7884: Database: CDataHolder::Load: Field: Track #; Files: 55787; Pointer bytes: 61523; Data bytes: 16488; Elapsed ms: 1.353
50128765: 7884: Database: CDataHolder::Load: Field: Library Server Key; Files: 55787; Pointer bytes: 0; Data bytes: 72; Elapsed ms: 0.099
50128765: 6804: Database: CDataHolder::Load: Field: Thumbnail Info (Local); Files: 55787; Pointer bytes: 59267; Data bytes: 16488; Elapsed ms: 2.065
50128765: 6804: TV: CTheaterViewFileInfoImage::Update: Position: Playing Now\Display\Playing Now. Is TV guide false
50128765: 7884: General: CTheaterViewBackgroundItemLoadThread::Thread: Collecting theme files
50128765: 7884: General: CTheaterViewBackgroundItemLoadThread::Thread: Looping items
50128765: 7884: General: CTheaterViewBackgroundItemLoadThread::Thread: Load: Z:\Nil�fer_Yanya\Miss_Universe\Folder.jpg
50128765: 6804: General: CTheaterViewLayout::Layout: Search layout
50128765: 6804: General: CTheaterViewLayout::Layout: Statusbar layout
50128765: 6804: General: CTheaterViewLayout::Layout: Setting focus
50128781: 4760: Database: CDataHolder::Load: Field: Media Sub Type; Files: 55787; Pointer bytes: 58259; Data bytes: 16488; Elapsed ms: 1.165
50128781: 6804: General: CTheaterViewLayout::Layout: Updating pictures
50128781: 6804: General: CTheaterViewLayout::Layout: Updating text
50128781: 6804: General: CTheaterViewLayout::Layout: Finish (31 ms)
50128781: 4760: Database: CDataHolder::Load: Field: Thumbnail Info; Files: 55787; Pointer bytes: 58691; Data bytes: 16488; Elapsed ms: 2.669
50128781: 4760: Database: CDataHolder::Load: Field: Thumbnail Offset Large; Files: 55787; Pointer bytes: 446584; Data bytes: 148072; Elapsed ms: 2.925
50128812: 7884: General: CTheaterViewBackgroundItemLoadThread::Thread: Output
50128828: 7884: General: CTheaterViewBackgroundItemLoadThread::Thread: Finish (78 ms)
50128953: 244: Database: CDataHolder::Load: Field: Library Server URL; Files: 55787; Pointer bytes: 0; Data bytes: 72; Elapsed ms: 0.107
50129812: 4760: Database: CDataHolder::Load: Field: Image File; Files: 55787; Pointer bytes: 446584; Data bytes: 82056; Elapsed ms: 1.646
50129812: 4760: Import: JRAnalyzer::Open: Start
50129812: 4760: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFile: Start
50129812: 4760: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFile: Filename: Z:\Nil�fer_Yanya\Miss_Universe\17-Heavyweight_Champion_of_the_Year.flac
50129812: 4760: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFileMJ: Start
50129812: 4760: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFileMJ: Finish (0 ms)
50129812: 4760: Import: JRAnalyzer::AddFile: Finish (0 ms)
50129812: 4760: Import: JRAnalyzer::Open: Finish (0 ms)
50129828: 4760: General: CFileInfo::CFileInfo: Start
50129828: 4760: General: CFileInfo::CFileInfo: Finish (0 ms)
50129844: 4760: Database: JRAnalyzerFile::GetImage: Start
50129844: 4760: Database: JRAnalyzerFile::GetImage: Finish (0 ms)

did nothing

Code: [Select]
0000015: 7924: General: Launcher: Command Line: /MCC 22001,2
50140390: 6804: General: CMCUICore::SetMode: Start
50140390: 6804: General: CMCUICore::SetMode: Setting UI mode: 3
50140390: 6804: General: CMCUICore::UpdateScreenResolution: Start
50140390: 6804: General: CMCUICore::UpdateScreenResolution: Default fullscreen settings:
50140390: 6804: General: CMCUICore::UpdateScreenResolution: Changing monitor 477102709 settings to:
50140390: 6804: General: CMCUICore::UpdateScreenResolution: Finish (0 ms)
50140390: 6804: General: CMCUICore::SetMode: Finish (0 ms)


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Re: MCC 22001,2 or 22000,5 does not work after MCC 10014
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2019, 04:06:11 pm »

1st log looks like it realises it has to do something whereas the 2nd one looks like it thinks the view is already loaded so nothing to do

is it possible some opengl handle is left open for example so the view exists but is not visible? something like that anyway


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Re: MCC 22001,2 or 22000,5 does not work after MCC 10014
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2019, 08:36:10 am »

I think I reproduced it in the debugger.  Not sure why it didn't happen the other day, but it's happening now.

It looks like we just need to restore the window if we're minimized.

The history:
Fixed: Showing Theater View from a minimized program state would not always work.

Please let us know how it works once the build ships.
Matt Ashland, JRiver Media Center


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Re: MCC 22001,2 or 22000,5 does not work after MCC 10014
« Reply #7 on: August 09, 2019, 03:14:12 am »

Please let us know how it works once the build ships.
thanks, working well here.
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